Friday, March 31, 2017

Pisces: Your daily horoscope - April 01

 Indecisiveness could be your worst enemy today. The general tone of the day will probably be explosive. A feeling of restriction and discipline may come in contact with the need to fight and conquer. You might find that your easy-going attitude is what will save you on a day like today. Lay low and let someone else take the lead for once.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Facebook Marketing - A Guide to Advertising Campaigns

by John Courtenay

A good way to get websites noticed on the Internet is use Facebook as a marketing tool. There are two main ways in which this can be accomplished. These are paid advertisements and free advertisements. 

Both types of advertisements allow you to place an image alongside the advert itself. To maximise the success of your advertising campaign, it is a good idea to take full advantage of this, and include an image that is eye-catching but also relevant to your advert. 

If you are serious about advertising, then using the paid option, or a combination of both options, is the best way to go. If you are advertising a personal site or something similar, then the free way to do this is to post the link, along with some descriptive information, across as much of the Facebook system as possible. 

To do this you need to post your site's details on friend's profiles, relevant groups / pages and also on any profiles with a large number of friends, for example, those profiles that belong to popular nightclubs and venues. 

If doing this, you must be especially careful not to spam the system, as this is frowned upon by Facebook and could result in your account being suspended by them. It is important to note that posting on too many pages, too quickly, can have the same effect on your account. 

If you decide to use paid advertising, one of the good things about Facebook's paid system is that you can target specific countries and even specific age groups, meaning that you increase the chances of your advertising campaign being as successful as possible. 

A useful feature of Facebook paid advertising is the Suggest Advert feature. This works by scanning the target URL and reading some of the content, either through meta tags (if present), or from the first few lines of text found. 

There is also an option to set a daily limit for advertising, as well as options on whether to run the campaign continuously or for a set amount of time. If running continuously, be careful not to forget about your adverts, as otherwise you could end up with some extensive billing charges from Facebook. 

Users have a choice of either CPM or CPC advertising, the best choice out of these two differs depending on your website. It is important to note that both cannot be used at the same time on a single campaign, meaning that if you want both advertising types for a site, you need to create two separate advertising campaigns in order to do this. 

Facebook sets the advert type to CPC by default and automatically chooses a bid for you, however, this can be changed using the advanced options feature included on the Create Ad page. 

Also, adverts submitted using this system are manually approved, meaning that it can be some time before adverts are approved by the Facebook team. This process usually takes no longer than 15-20 minutes, depending on what time of day the adverts are submitted. 

Be sure to read their advertising terms carefully before submitting an advert, especially the parts about punctuation, as if these are not followed, acceptance of your advert could be delayed. 

Pisces: Your daily horoscope - March 30

 A friend may be going through an emotional crisis, and might want your insights. Don't be surprised, however, if this person isn't in the frame of mind to pay any attention to your words! You'll probably be more helpful if you just listen for a while, and then present several possible options that are open to them. Otherwise you could find yourself becoming just as frustrated as they are - and you're far too busy to deal with that!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Yes, Anyone Can Make Money Online
by Steve Eberhardt

First off, I would like to say the reason why I have written this article is to motivate and inspire ordinary (just like me), unskilled or skilled people to have a crack at making money online by giving my experience as an example. It doesn't matter what your background is, whether you are highly educated or not, rich or poor, single, married, a parent or retired. Everyone has the opportunity and ability to make money online. 

Regarding myself, I live in Australia on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, and have been in the building industry all my working life for over 25 years. Having gone through a divorce and dealing with child custody issues, the pressures of life were building every day. That's not to mention the down turn in the construction industry and the lack of work in my area. Having to travel to work in other areas was my only option to "keep afloat" and proved to be a big strain on relationships and family. 

They say that "necessity is the mother of invention", which proved true in my case. I really needed to re-invent myself and the way I was thinking. I no longer wanted to struggle financially, work longer hours, travel constantly away from home, or be away from my son and family. In fact I wanted to work less and do it from home, do the things I love, such as surfing, photography, travel, and off-course building for myself, not for others. 

That's why I looked seriously about making money online, as I knew I couldn't achieve my goals by staying on the course I was in presently. Yeah, but it's overwhelming, right, when you see all the ads promising six figure incomes, fast money for little effort. As soon as I saw any of that, I discounted it straight away. Then digging deeper I started to see some honest and ethical companies offering programs that made sense. Just like when you start constructing a building, you need to start with a solid foundation. Fail at this initial stage and the whole building will fail no matter what effort or money you put into the construction. Here is an awesome way for you to construct a solid foundation that will enable you to generate making money online successfully.
  1. A clear understanding of does and don'ts regarding the industry.
  2. Ongoing and up to date instruction as the industry shifts and evolves.
  3. Support and connection with other people in the community.
  4. Clear strategies and goals to reach for.
  5. Affiliation with reputable companies and products.
  6. Proven formulas that work, provided by reputable leaders in the industry.
  7. And of course they must be honest, reliable and ethical.
How has this benefited me? Well, though I'm not making millions a year, I have slowly built my business to the point now that I have a reliable steady income that I generate 24/7 that pays me every week and will continue to increase with time. I currently work 25 hrs a week in my online business and have reduced my time working in the building industry. Yes it takes time I admit, but the rewards are awesome. Constant income that builds, more YOU time, less work hours, more time with my family, and pursuing my hobbies and interests. Soon I will be launching my photography online business which I could not have been able to do before. 

Planning and education is the key. Lay a solid foundation to build your online business on, and keep your focus on your goals. I hope this article has motivated and inspired you to get off your butt and turn your dreams into reality. I wish you all the best in your new adventure and all the success. 

Pisces: Your daily horoscope - March 29

These last few weeks have been good for your equilibrium. It was a question of becoming a bit more involved in life than usual, and showing what you are capable of. Most likely you had a mixture of successes and setbacks, but on the whole, improvements have been steady. You may have noticed that this or that about yourself needs improvement, but isn't that true for everyone?

Pisces: Your daily horoscope - March 28

 Even though today might feel as if it is all filled with fun and games, it is important to note that there is a great deal of seriousness that must be made note of and acted upon accordingly. As much as you may want to joke around and be completely carefree today, make sure to reserve a bit of time for some seriousness as well. Consider doing some major goal setting and planning that takes into account the events of the upcoming year.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Finding you soul mate with Karma's help

There are times when we can't logically explain how we feel. What if it wasn't a question of instinct but of a past life? An invisible connection? What if you previously met in a former life?


Our karma expert, Atlane Joy, has been a medium and an astrologer for 30 years and is here to reveal everything you want to know!


Good morning Atlane, what is karma? How do you explain feelings of déjà-vu?

This is how I would describe karma: every life represents a new experience for a soul which comes to earth to work, improve, rid itself of error, to learn, and to love. Karma is not as negative as many people would think or say it is. There is nothing to pay.

How would you describe a soul mate?

Meeting your soul mate is a sensation that the mind simply cannot grasp. It works through feelings and intuition like a blur or a feeling of having been experienced already (which attracts and scares people at the same time). We lose this recollection during our incarnation, but in our DNA, in our soul, there are promises that can't be forgotten.

Whenever I speak of this to my consultants, I ask them whether there was immediate evidence during a date, a feeling of déjà-vu or magic, or a feeling that you've known each other since the dawn of time. An irresistible desire is when both individuals recognize each other and affirm it; there are no explanations, it's their magical moment.


And if for some reason you do end up breaking up and going each other’s way, as this type of relationship isn’t always straightforward given the amount of intensity involved, you'll resent a feeling of failure which will prolong itself over time. It's a sensation of wasted opportunity, an impression of having to find ourselves again in another life…

Pisces: Your daily horoscope - March 24

You can expect to spend a lot of time today thinking about the past. You have a facile mind that is able to make connections between people, places and events that occurred years and miles apart. Nevertheless, when viewed from a distance all the pieces fit together in the neatest of puzzles. It is true that in life you often don't realize you're on a path until you look behind you. Today you see the significant trail blazes of your life to date.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Pisces: Your daily horoscope - March 23

If you've been thinking about entering into a new partnership, don't do anything about it today - particularly if a friend is involved. In fact, don't even think about it! Devote your day to other concerns, and set partnership issues aside for at least four days. You won't want to ruin a friendship, or sabotage the arrangement before it even gets started, because it does have potential and show promise for success. Enjoy your day.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Pisces: Your daily horoscope - March 22

Today you should have a lot of vitality. Recently, you may have decided to take more matters into your own hands. Your relationships will only benefit from this decision. The conflicts you have had to deal with were greatly based on a lack of understanding. You sometimes have to make compromises! Try not to be too demanding...

Monday, March 20, 2017

Pisces: Your daily horoscope - March 21

This is a terrific day for you, and you will find yourself glowing brightly from head to toe as you radiate your true inner self to the world. You will find profound joy in the most simple and ordinary circumstances. If you run out of things to say, feel free to whistle a tune. More than likely, this won't happen today, since you will be overflowing with things to talk about.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Pisces: Your daily horoscope - March 20

When it comes to relationships with others, be careful about insisting that everything be done your way and your way only. It could be that you have such high expectations of your partner that they will never be able to live up to your standards. Basically you are setting up the stage for failure by demanding that the person for you is of a certain make and model.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Here's the New Dark Matter-Free Theory of Gravity

Erik Verlinde has picked a fight with Einstein

he existence of dark matter is generally accepted by the sort of scientists who care about that kind of thing. After all, it’s a pretty robust explanation for why some stars and galaxies around the universe move around and accelerate in ways that can’t be explained simply by the gravitational effects of observable objects in the vicinity. Globs of an unseen substance, making up almost 85 percent of the total mass of the universe, have long been an integral part of our modern understanding of gravity.
But not everyone is buying it. There are quite a few alternative theories to gravity that don’t involve dark matter — some wilder than others — but the latest is worth lingering on because it’s a stickier idea. University of Amsterdam theoretical physicist Erik Verlinde is claiming that gravity isn’t an interaction or force as first described by Albert Einstein. Instead of being a static property since the Big Bang, gravity has, according to Verlinde, been an emergent phenomenon, constantlygrowing and expanding and adhering to the rules of increasing entropy as outlined by the second law of thermodynamics.
Verlinde first explained this theory of emergent gravity in 2010 and, in his latest paper, he doubles down and insists that the distribution of gravity throughout the universe doesn’t need to be explained by dark matter and dark energy. Verlinde studied Stephen Hawking’s and Jacob Bekenstein’s framework for black hole entropy and came to the conclusion that these principles might explain an observation about the connection between the acceleration scale in galaxies and at the cosmological horizon.
“I immediately realized that this should have a connection with my ideas on emergent gravity and entropy and that this implied a relation between the observed phenomena associated to dark matter and the presence of dark energy,” he tells Inverse.
At its core, Verlinde’s theory hypothesizes that gravity is driven by the entanglement of entropy in a vacuum. “Just like the normal laws of thermodynamics can be understood from the statistical treatment of the microscopic molecules that make up matter, gravity can be derived from the microscopic ‘molecules’ that make up the space time,” he says.
Those molecules are bits of quantum information, or qubits. As qubits aggregate and move around, they become more and more entangled with one another. This disorder increases the entropy of the quantum state of spacetime.
“When one assumes that this entanglement entropy grows like the area, one can derive the Einstein equations,” says Verlinde. “My insight was that in a universe with a positive dark energy there is a contribution to the entanglement entropy that grows like the volume. This contribution changes the laws of gravity from the ones by Einstein at large scale and low acceleration and precisely gives rise to the phenomena currently contributed to dark matter.”
In other words: Gravity is the root cause and an emergent property of the universe’s expansion.
There’s reason to believe Verlinde might be on to something. His theory helps resolve some unknown questions in physics that dark matter hasn’t been able to answer yet. It helps reconcile quantum mechanics with gravity in one description, consenting the laws of thermodynamics with black holes.
That’s why there are physicists out there currently trying to run tests to see whether emergent gravity is real. Margo Brouwer at Leiden Observatory in the Netherlands and her team have worked to compare gravitational distribution predictions based on Verlinde’s theory with actual astronomy observations, and found that the data matched remarkably well with the predictions.
This is simply the first step, but it’s critical for turning Verlinde’s theory from a fringe idea into a serious field of research. A lot more work will need to be done to prove it, but if Verlinde is right, we’re not just looking for dark matter in the wrong way — we shouldn’t be looking for it at all.

The Astrological Sign of Pisces

Pisces is sometimes discouraged or urged on by intense whirls of emotion. They are an inspired, sensible, sensual, receptive, and imaginative person. Pisces aspires to emotional or spiritual unification, a desire that’s expressed daily with their self-sacrificial generosity. Their anxiety torments them often, so they are adaptable and idealistic.

Signification of the Pisces Astrological Sign

Jupiter and Neptune are your planets! Your sensible and hyper-intuitive personality finds you hung up or stimulated by a variety of different emotions. Due to your receptiveness, you’re like a sponge that sometimes forgets to protect itself from its surroundings! You understand others better than anyone, which gives you generosity but also anxiety. Your idealism and adaptability make you imperceptible and captivating. Heart side, you’re looking for security and a complete blend, as well! 

10 Things to Know about Pisces

  • Birthdates for Pisces: February 20th to March 20th
  • Strong points: Tactical, tenacious
  • Qualities: Coherence, belligerence
  • Faults: Aggressive
  • Gems: Sapphire, Aquamarine
  • Planet: Neptune
  • Element: Water
  • Color: Blue
  • Metal: Zinc
  • Corresponding Body Parts: Feet 

Pisces: Your daily horoscope - March 19

 Don't turn away when a situation arises today. At first you may be tempted to look the other way and simply go on as if you didn't notice what is happening right in front of you. Resist this urge, for it is vital that you speak your mind and set the record straight on what you feel. Your opinion on the situation is crucial, so don't shy away any longer.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Learning to Love Yourself According to Your Sign

Good self-esteem is vital in order to grow and come out of your shell. It's this self confidence that allows us to achieve our goals in all aspects of our life, but it isn’t always easy… To help resolve this, we’re here to reveal secrets about learning to love yourself according to your star sign!
Self-esteem is developed from childhood to adulthood, and certain wounds can sometimes be detrimental to our relationships and prevent us from living happy carefree lives. Addressing these 'wounds' will make us feel better about ourselves and help us to turn over a new leaf. No need to worry as astrology is here to help…
It’s only a question of learning to love yourself and being aware of your qualities and accepting yourself as you are. Good self-esteem is essential in order to feel at ease in your skin.

How do you learn to love yourself? Here are the secrets for each sign.


You are often too hard on yourself, dear Aries. Be more tolerant and learn how to be content. Treat yourself like a friend or a person you love and you’ll be able to perceive your qualities better that way.

The secret to loving yourself: Don’t put so much pressure on yourself in order to attain your goals, be patient and don’t hesitate to stop and enjoy yourself en route to your goal. In short, be more tolerant with yourself!


You mistakenly think that asking for help is a sign of weakness! Accept the helping hand of your loved ones without feeling ashamed. Know that it’s sometimes more beneficial to learn than to teach…
The secret to loving yourself: Learn to ask for help without being ashamed… be proud instead! Keep in mind that asking for help from others doesn’t make you incapable of doing things (it’s quite the contrary, actually!). You’ll soon realize that working in a team offers a different satisfaction… In short, ask for help when you need it!


Your mind is always alert, and your thoughts are either bursting forward or self-destructive. You often tend to feel ashamed of what you haven’t done or promises that you didn’t keep… Change this point of view: instead of focusing on negative thoughts, think more on how you can attain your goals.
The secret to loving yourself: Get rid of those gloomy ideas! Only think of positive and beneficial things that will push you to see past the bad thoughts and progress.


Your self-esteem varies according to outside events and this needs to change. Don’t wait for a good mood, weight loss, or you landing your dream job to learn how to love yourself! Focus on your qualities and not on your flaws, and concentrate on what you have instead of what you don’t.
The secret to loving yourself: Learn to love yourself immediately without waiting for things to happen in your favor! Know to love your life and who you are!


Your mirror can become your best friend if you learn how to use it. Position yourself facing the mirror and focus on the respect and admiration that you feel for yourself without being vain. Don’t hesitate when it comes to speaking to yourself out loud, saying what you like about yourself and expression your emotions.
The secret to loving yourself: Face the mirror and learn to love yourself, forgetting what others can think or say to you. You should detach yourself from others’ opinions.


You are very critical and your self-esteem often takes a blow. Avoid blaming yourself about everything because a critical eye is never constructive. Dear Virgo, learn to love yourself as you are physically and morally. The negative opinions that you send yourself have harmful effects and prevent you from evolving and progressing.
The secret to loving yourself: Stop criticizing yourself all the time! Nothing seems to be good enough for you! Learning to accept yourself as you are can help you progress in the right direction without any difficulties.


You often have the tendency to imagine the worst and, as a result, you scare yourself and block yourself off. In case of panic or pessimistic images, close your eyes and concentrate on a happy moment in your life: travel, the birth of your children, etc. … Negative images should quickly fade!
The secret to loving yourself: Stop scaring yourself and imagining the worst! Chase away negative thoughts in your mind to take back your self-trust!


You often place too much importance on faults from your past and your childhood… let that fade away. The past is the past, the person you were at the time has changed since, and everything has changed… It’s useless to replay the movie of your past, it won’t change anything, and what’s is done is done.
The secret to loving yourself: Know how to forgive yourself! Yes, you’ve done some wrong in the past (like everyone has) and it’s useless to dwell on it or permanently punish yourself. Leave the past in the past and look to tomorrow…


Don’t be so hard on yourself in regards to your failures or bad decisions that you’ve made in the past. You made those choices because they deemed necessary at the time, so don’t be ashamed of them and don’t get caught up in dwelling on those thoughts. After all, it’s better to feel remorseful than regret, isn’t it?
The secret to loving yourself: Don’t be ashamed of past errors! These errors don’t make you any less of a person!


You’re sometimes too austere. To gain self-trust, remind yourself of joyful moments that you’ve known in your life. Find the way to amuse yourself and laugh every day and you’ll see that your good mood will spread about whether you go.
The secret to loving yourself: Have fun every day! Your good mood will attract kindness from your peers. Laughter is your best medicine, and you’ll view life and yourself in a positive angle.


Be gentle with yourself, you don’t need to come in 1st in order to be proud of yourself or have someone admire you. Congratulate yourself of your success and your progress, and know how to look at the positive points each day and stop thinking that only great victories are worth shooting for! Little successes each day are good for you, too…
The secret to loving yourself: Congratulate yourself, be proud of your deeds and success, even the smallest ones! Everything is all about your attitude!


To learn how to love yourself, take care of your body. You should learn to love every inch of your skin and see past what everyone else sees. Stop with the stereotypes and models and learn to love you for you.
The secret to loving yourself: Pamper yourself! Learn to accept yourself and appreciate your body as it is.

Pisces: Your daily horoscope - March 18 

Today's aspect could enhance your prophetic abilitys. No matter how great or how small your influence, the your immediate surrounding will make progress because of you, because you have the ability to see things globally and wholistically. The past, the present, and the furture all merge into one and make sense. Try to write down your thoughts and visons. This could be your moment of glory!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Scientists discover amazing trick for staying fit without doing any exercise

Scientists have made an extraordinary discovery that might mean you can stay fit without doing regular exercise ever again.
A new study has revealed that a technique known as "whole-body vibration" (WBV) can mimic the muscle and bone health benefits of regular exercise in mice.
WBV consists of a person sitting, standing or lying on a machine with a vibrating platform.
When the machine vibrates, it transmits energy to the body, and muscles contract and relax multiple times during each second.

© Provided by Trinity Mirror Plc Credits: Getty

Scientists claim that the technique could help to tackle the obesity and diabetes epidemic, caused in part by some people's inability to motivate themselves to exercise.
"Our study is the first to show that whole-body vibration may be just as effective as exercise at combating some of the negative consequences of obesity and diabetes," said the study's first author, Meghan McGee-Lawrence of Augusta University.

Pisces: Your daily horoscope - March 17

You will probably be perfectly in tune with the day ahead. Of course, it is tempting to run away from the reality of the moment and its hardships. But at other times, when you are so compassionate and find it so easy to listen, like today, life is really rewarding. People find your company soothing and pleasant, and they are likely to thank you for it. Aren't days like this great?

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

To offset the aging process, you'll combine metabolic boosters that will keep you burning calories 24 hours a day and strength training movements that will be easy on your joints but hard on your fat cells. Once you start this workout, your body-and the aging process-won't stand a chance.

How to do this Workout ?

Perform this workout three days a week, resting at least a day between each session. So you might go on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
When you see a number with a letter next to it-such as 1A and 1B-it means the exercises should be performed as a group. Do one set of the first exercise, rest for the prescribed amount of time, and then do one set of the next exercise in the group. Repeat until you've completed all of your sets for each exercise, and then move on to the next group.
Circuit : Do 1 set of each exercise in a group consecutively, without rests in between. Once  these exercises have been completed, repeat the circuit again - doing 1 set of each with no rests in between. Continue until prescribed number of total sets are performed
Strength : Complete all sets of an exercise at the same time with rests in between. Then move to the next exercise.
Superset : Two moves done consecutively (like a circuit) with no rests in between.


Scientists develop a dietary kit to beat baby blues

Researchers based in Toronto, Canada, were able to reduce depression symptoms associated with baby blues in new mothers by using a nutrition-based treatment to help counter chemical changes in the brain that occur during the postpartum period.
Postpartum blues are a widespread phenomenon experienced by many new mothers, generally arising five days after childbirth. However, they can become more severe and lead to clinically diagnosed postpartum depression, one of the most common complications of child-bearing, affecting 13% of new mothers.
To counteract the mood-related effects of chemical changes in the brain, scientists developed a "kit" of three nutritional supplements including tryptophan (2g), tyrosine (10g) and blueberry extract with blueberry juice. This was given to new mothers from the third day after giving birth for a period of three days.
"Developing successful nutrition-based treatments, based on neurobiology, is rare in psychiatry," said the study's lead author Dr. Jeffrey Meyer from Toronto's Center for Addiction and Mental Health.
The scientists found that women who took the nutritional cocktail comprising two amino acids and blueberry juice did not experience any depression symptoms, compared to mothers who didn't take the supplements. Those who didn't take the nutritional kit experienced a significant increase in depression symptoms.
The kit's components were specially selected to compensate for a surge in the brain protein MAO-A, which arises in the early postpartum phase, inhibiting the action of three neurotransmitters that stabilize mood: serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. When levels of these three chemicals are depleted, feelings of sadness can arise.
Tryptophan is a precursor amino acid for the mood-enhancing hormone serotonin and is naturally found in turkey, cod, salami, parmesan, parsley, pumpkin seeds, soy, milk and cheese.
L-Tyrosine is another amino acid which has antioxidant properties that fight depression or anxiety and is related to dopamine levels. It is found in almonds, avocado, banana, lima beans, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, hard cheeses and soy. Blueberry extract, rich in polyphenols, has the most powerful antioxidant properties of all fruits. Several studies have highlighted its effectiveness in combating declining cognitive function.
In conclusion, the researchers suggest that, after further trials, this kind of supplement kit could one day be offered to new mothers by healthcare providers as a means of preventing post-partum depression.
Note that the use of tryptophan and tyrosine supplements did not affect the overall concentrations in breast milk.
The study is published in the journal "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" (PNAS) and is available here:
© Provided by AFPRelaxNews The scientists found that women who took their nutritional cocktail, comprising two amino acids and blueberry juice, did not experience any depression symptoms.

Your "high" from your recent successes could have you wanting to go crazy purchasing luxury items that you might previously have not felt were practical. This is fine, as long as you are discriminating and don't give into the temptation of impulse buying. This is also not a good time to overindulge in food and drink. You should definitely allow yourself to enjoy your successes - while still making use of your common sense.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

9 Easy Ways to Eat Healthy Without Going Broke

Yes, it’s possible

Store things the right way Fruits and veggies are obviously an integral part of a healthy diet, but letting them go bad is a huge waste of money. Make sure you know how to store your healthy stuff to extend its shelf life. We follow this helpful guide to ensure we’re never left with moldy tomatoes.

   Time your trip to the farmers' market Local markets are usually super crowded when they first open, but the crowd dwindles as the day goes on. Toward the end, sellers are way more likely to slash prices, as they’re just looking to unload as much product as possible. You might not have access to the same variety, but it’s definitely wallet-friendly.   

Get protein in different places Red meat and chicken are great sources of protein, but they’re also among the supermarket’s most expensive offerings. Seek out ingredients like beans and eggs that pack a powerful protein punch while costing a fraction of what a steak costs.  

Buy a bottleDrinking water is obviously essential to a healthy diet, but constantly opening, drinking and throwing out plastic water bottles is a total waste of money (not to mention really bad for the environment). Instead, buy a good reusable bottle and water filter to keep yourself hydrated while protecting the earth and your bank account.

Pisces: Your daily horoscope - March 15 

A friend or family member is slowly poisoning your relationship. A misunderstanding between the two of you today will ultimately prove beneficial in the long run. Why? It makes your realize how uncomfortable you are with vague, ill-defined relationships. Today would be a good day to write a letter to the person in question. You are likely to find the results gratifying...

6 Health Rules You Don’t Actually Have to Follow 

Eat whenever you want, folks

You don't have to stop eating at 7 p.m.
Here’s the trick to eating late at night: It won’t make you gain weight as long as you make good food choices. Nutritionist Jamie Mast told Women’s Health, “A calorie is a calorie…If your total calorie intake for the day is greater than what you are burning, this can lead to weight gain regardless of what time it is.” Basically, it doesn’t matter when you eat but more importantly what you eat, how much you eat and how much you exercise.

You don't have to eat six small meals throughout the day
Similar to the prior: As long as you’re eating the right things and the right amount of those things in total, it doesn’t matter how often your meals are. In fact, people who eat six smaller meals are more likely to overeat, calorie-wise. This isn’t to say we’re anti-snack, but it’s 100 percent OK to stick to three square meals--your metabolism isn’t going to shut down.

You don't have to eat breakfast every day
Good news for those who would rather sleep in past smoothie-making time: Eating breakfast doesn’t directly lead to weight loss. A recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found no changes in weight in two groups--one of which ate breakfast religiously and another that didn’t. So go ahead and hit snooze if you really want to.

You don't have to eat everything organic
Organic food is great in theory, but it’s often cost prohibitive. Luckily, some foods are totally fine to eat non-organic. (A lot depends on its outer layer.) Refer to the Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen to learn where it’s OK to buy conventional.

You don't have to stop eating carbs
Bread lovers, rejoice. Not only do you not have to cut out carbs completely, you actually should include some good carbs in your diet (like brown rice, fruits and vegetables) to keep a balanced diet and maintain weight. In fact, according to a recent study, Japanese people, who follow the country's typical high-grain diet, have the second longest life expectancy in the world. (For reference, the U.S. is 43rd.)

You don't have to go on a juice cleanse to detoxify your system
We’re not here to comment on liquid diets. (Do what makes you feel the best.) Just don’t think you have to power through a cleanse for “detoxifying” reasons. Our bodies are smarter than we give them credit for and are in a constant state of self-cleansing, so there’s really no need to give it an extra push. Eat well and you’ll be just fine.

Pisces: Your daily horoscope - March 14 

Friendship could easily turn into romance if you're not careful. Overnight, a platonic relationship could turn passionate, and no one is more surprised more than you. It is time to think carefully about where you would like this relationship to go. While you can never go back to what was, you can stop the relationship from progressing further if you are uncomfortable with the new dynamic. Think hard; you can only make this decision once.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

NASA Plans to Create 'Coolest Spot in Universe

NASA is planning to send an ice chest-sized box to the International Space Station (ISS), where it will freeze gas atoms to create the coolest spot in the universe, an advance that may provide new insights into gravity and dark matter.
Inside that box, lasers, a vacuum chamber and an electromagnetic "knife" will be used to cancel out the energy of gas particles, slowing them until they're almost motionless.
The suite of instruments, developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the US, is called the Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL). It is set to ride to space in August aboard the SpaceX CRS-12.
CAL's instruments are designed to freeze gas atoms to a mere billionth of a degree above absolute zero - more than 100 million times colder than the depths of space.
"Studying these hyper-cold atoms could reshape our understanding of matter and the fundamental nature of gravity," said CAL Project Scientist Robert Thompson of JPL.
"The experiments we'll do with the Cold Atom Lab will give us insight into gravity and dark energy - some of the most pervasive forces in the universe," said Thompson.
When atoms are cooled to extreme temperatures, as they will be inside of CAL, they can form a distinct state of matter known as a Bose-Einstein condensate.
In this state, familiar rules of physics recede and quantum physics begins to take over. Matter can be observed behaving less like particles and more like waves.
Rows of atoms move in concert with one another as if they were riding a moving fabric. These mysterious waveforms have never been seen at temperatures as low as what CAL will achieve.
NASA has never before created or observed Bose-Einstein condensates in space. On Earth, the pull of gravity causes atoms to continually settle towards the ground, meaning they are typically only observable for fractions of a second.
However, on the ISS, ultra-cold atoms can hold their wave-like forms longer while in freefall. That offers scientists a longer window to understand physics at its most basic level.
Thompson estimated that CAL will allow Bose-Einstein condensates to be observable for up to five to 10 seconds; future development of the technologies used on CAL could allow them to last for hundreds of seconds.
Bose-Einstein condensates are a "superfluid" - a kind of fluid with zero viscosity, where atoms move without friction as if they were all one, solid substance.
"If you had superfluid water and spun it around in a glass, it would spin forever. There's no viscosity to slow it down and dissipate the kinetic energy," said Anita Sengupta of JPL, Cold Atom Lab project manager.
"If we can better understand the physics of superfluids, we can possibly learn to use those for more efficient transfer of energy," said Sengupta.
Solar Storm Warning: New Tool Could Help Protect Astronauts

NASA scientists have developed a new technique that could improve space-weather forecasts and help protect astronauts from potentially dangerous solar storms.
Earth's sun is an active star that repeatedly unleashes powerful flares and huge eruptions of solar plasma known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs). These dramatic events can send fast-moving solar energetic particles, or SEPs, streaming toward Earth. While the planet's magnetic field and atmosphere serve as a protective shield, astronauts in low-Earth orbit are potentially susceptible to the harmful effects of such solar outbursts.
Researchers who developed the new technique used an instrument called a coronagraph, which blocks the sun's bright light and allows astronomers to see what's going on in the sun's corona, or outer atmosphere. With this tool, scientists from NASA and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Colorado found a way to detect SEP activity tens of minutes earlier than current forecasting techniques allow, which will ultimately help protect astronauts in space, NASA officials said a statement.
Most of the current space-weather research uses space-based coronagraphs. The new technique, by contrast, employs ground-based coronagraphs, which can deliver observations "almost instantly, and at a much higher time resolution than satellite instruments," NASA officials said.
"With space-based coronagraphs, we get images back every 20-30 minutes," Chris St. Cyr, a space scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, said in the statement. "You'll see the CME in one frame, and by the time you get the next frame — which contains the information we need to tell how fast it's moving — the energetic particles have already arrived [at Earth]."
Solar particles released during a CME are extremely energetic and can move at nearly the speed of light. For the recent study, scientists used observations from the ground-based coronagraph called K-Cor, which is part of NCAR's High Altitude Observatory and resides atop Hawaii's Mauna Loa volcano.
The researchers' findings, published Jan. 30 in the journal Space Weather, confirmed that SEPs could be detected as early as 45 minutes before the particles arrive at Earth (or tens of minutes before the particles even leave the sun's inner atmosphere). And the scientists said they hope to improve this early warning system even further.
"Currently, processed images from K-Cor are available on the internet in less than 15 minutes after they're taken," Joan Burkepile, a study co-author based at NCAR and principal investigator for the K-Cor instrument, said in the statement from NASA. "We're installing a more powerful computer at the observatory in Hawaii to process the images seconds after they are acquired, and provide the data on the internet within a minute or two of acquisition."

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