Monday, April 24, 2017

Emotionally you may be feeling quite good, yet you may get the sense that there is something gnawing on you in a destructive way. It could be that in your efforts to create a safe, nurturing space for yourself, you have limited your range of motion and sense of freedom. Gradually, you have been tying yourself down, making it difficult to get up and leave as you wish.

A thought for the day: A child educated only at school is an uneducated child. -- George Santayana

Sunday, April 23, 2017

A thought for the day: It's useless to hold a person to anything he says while he's in love, drunk, or running for office. -- Shirley MacLaine

Friday, April 21, 2017

A thought for the day: On her website, Steffi Graf, who won 22 tennis Grand Slam titles, said, For me, the focus and energy level that I get from physically challenging myself on a daily basis -- not to mention the obvious health benefits -- is irreplaceable

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

A thought for the day: 

If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from your own. -- Henry Ford

Dora and Friends Dora The Explorer

Watch it with your Kids

Monday, April 17, 2017

Send it Out and You'll Get it Back

Years ago, somebody made the observation that if you see someone without a smile, you should give him or her yours. Others have said that a smile is a little curve that sets a lot of things straight. You undoubtedly have noticed that when you smile at someone, in most cases -- particularly if it involves a non-threatening situation (man smiling broadly at a woman holding a baby) -- the smile is virtually always returned.

It's true: When you do something for someone who is in no position to return the favor, you are energized and able to do more things for yourself. Research validates the fact that those people who get involved in helping others, whether it's building homes with Habitat for Humanity, serving through the Salvation Army or Red Cross, or participating in the service clubs, traditionally do better in their own businesses and personal lives.

Life really is like a bouncing ball. What you send out is what you get back. And, according to Dr. J. Allan Petersen, the finest gift we can give another human being is the gift of an excellent expectation. He says that "expecting the best provides realistic affirmation of a person's uniqueness, individuality and strengths, and it multiplies itself. It encourages a reciprocal action from other people. The Biblical principle, "Give and it shall be given unto you," applies to expressing appreciation."

Saturday, April 15, 2017

What's Good About Good Friday?

Q: Why do they call the day on which Jesus was crucified "Good Friday"? What was good about it? I think we ought to call it "black Friday" or something like that.
A: If you had spoken with Jesus' family and followers on that Friday I suspect they would have agreed with you. Then all hope seemed lost; Satan and his servants seemed to have won; evil and death seemed to have triumphed.
But if you had spoken with them only a few days later, you would have heard something entirely different! Then they knew all was not lost; Satan and his servants had not won; evil and death had not triumphed. In fact, the opposite was the case: The forces of evil had been defeated, death had been destroyed, and from that point onward human life would never be the same.
What made the difference? The difference was twofold: Jesus' tomb was empty, and He had appeared to them. In other words, Jesus had broken the bonds of death, and now He was alive! And suddenly they realized that what had seemed at first to be a defeat was in fact a victory -- a victory over Satan and sin and death. The Bible says, "You, with the help of wicked men, put him to death. ... But God raised him from the dead" (Acts 2:23-24).
Why is it called "Good Friday"? Because by His death, Jesus became the final and complete sacrifice for our sins. We cannot erase our guilt, nor can we overcome our sins by our good deeds. But Christ did what we could never do for ourselves, by dying for us on that first Good Friday. May this day truly become "Good Friday" for you, as you confess your sins and put your faith and trust in Christ.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

What is C.O.L Fund Source?

Bruno Mars - 24K Magic [Official Video]

Bruno Mars - 24K Magic [Official Video]

Be A Problem Solver

A moment's reflection will remind us that virtually none of us get overly excited when confronted with a "problem." That's human nature. However, those who solve problems are the ones who survive and thrive.
Think about it. The primary role of the physician is to help people solve their health problems. Attorneys solve people's problems, whether it's instigating a lawsuit, filing legal claims, preparing a will, etc. The grocery business solves problems like hunger and unemployment. Salespeople solve problems by helping others purchase what they need and want.
When we encounter problems on the job, we must realize that we are there primarily to solve problems, whether it's to get the shipment out on time, answer the telephone, prepare the financial statement, etc. Most of us do not get overly excited about difficult problems, but a moment's thought will help us understand that the more problems we solve, the greater our value to the company and customer, and the higher our rewards.
The primary function of counselors is to teach individuals to solve their own personal problems. As a speaker/writer, my major function is to encourage people, help them overcome procrastination and convince them they are capable of doing more with their lives. Police officers are there to solve problems. More important, they're there to prevent problems.
When we analyze the final few words in that last sentence, we realize that the people who receive the highest recognition and rewards are those who are not only capable of solving problems but also have the foresight and ability to prevent problems before they arise.
Suggestion: Think carefully about things that could be a problem in the future. Head them off; solve them before they occur. For problems that occur despite our best efforts, seek the solution. When you find it, you'll be ultimately rewarded for it. Take that approach, and I'll see you at the top!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Today's Free Daily Horoscopes


Your Horoscope for Thursday, April 13th

Your positive and pleasant way of handling people brings you support from unexpected sources you could not have anticipated getting or thought possible. Use this opportunity to let others know of your growing concerns regarding the issues most important to you, so you can make positive changes that are long-lasting for yourself and those around you. 

Today's Lucky Numbers: 13, 36, 10, 34, 51, 6


Your Horoscope for Thursday, April 13th 

Devote yourself to the tasks you've recently been putting off, they are much easier for you to undertake than usual. Communication skills you have acquired make you a desirable conversationalist with your colleagues and friends. Immerse yourself in social activities and get to know new people, take the necessary time to accomplish this task.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 29, 14, 3, 35, 19, 42


Your Horoscope for Thursday, April 13th 

You’re a real social butterfly but have perhaps neglected one or two relationships recently, you need to reconnect with these people and get in touch. The chances of resolving a dispute among family or friends for once and for all are high. You experience a remarkable period of agreement and unity that has a moderating effect on any future developments.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 64, 39, 28, 54, 62, 60


Your Horoscope for Thursday, April 13th 

Your enthusiasm is noticeable. Use your persuasive ability to demonstrate to your partner how much you feel for them. Organize a special surprise to stimulate agreeable feelings between you. When you combine your laid back attitude and the organizational ability you possess, the overriding effect is to establish a wonderful feeling of stability between you.
Today's Lucky Numbers: 81, 57, 64, 90, 80, 88


Your Horoscope for Thursday, April 13th 

Even though success comes naturally you maintain your composure and down-to-earth approach. In this way you keep friendships and allow your loved ones to experience the joy of how warm hearted you are. You understand that any past conflicts are not important and they never actually were. Relaxation helps keep your well-being and composure intact.
Today's Lucky Numbers: 73, 66, 88, 21, 89, 59


Your Horoscope for Thursday, April 13th 

You know exactly what you want and bring together personal interests with the needs of others. No barriers prevent you putting your plans into action. Seen by others as a sincere, your thoughtfulness enhances your reputation. Don't become too complacent about your health and well-being, take care of your fitness and build reserves of energy for the future.
Today's Lucky Numbers: 14, 51, 73, 77, 89, 43


Your Horoscope for Thursday, April 13th 

Seizing opportunities to dispel any ill will that exists within your circle of friends or close relationships, makes you feel content, also dealing with any past disagreements is beneficial. Conversations you have are inspiring making you a truly sought-after companion, others value your good humor and as a result you make worthwhile and exciting friendships.
Today's Lucky Numbers: 43, 11, 23, 64, 90, 94


Your Horoscope for Thursday, April 13th 

Circumstances dictate that if any arguments arise, you must offer to mediate. Your composure together with your sober outlook makes you an ideal person to defuse tense situations. Use this self-control in handling your own relationships too and give special attention to loved ones you may have neglected recently. Take care not to overdo things physically.
Today's Lucky Numbers: 69, 89, 77, 82, 53, 75


Your Horoscope for Thursday, April 13th 

Full of energy and courage, you need not ask for better conditions to achieve your ambitions. Proceed with caution as you easily get side-tracked by intricate details that appear to be interesting and distract you. Approach things in a level-headed and sensible way and avoid taking too long to reach a successful outcome by concentrating on important tasks.
Today's Lucky Numbers: 73, 44, 2, 26, 84, 27


Your Horoscope for Thursday, April 13th 

You’re more relaxed than usual, which is in part due to the fact that life is running smoothly and other people are particularly friendly towards you. It’s equally due to a healthy attitude that you have. Give more attention to your friends and make an effort develop new relationships. Importantly take advantage of opportunities when they arise.
Today's Lucky Numbers: 55, 7, 42, 41, 85, 96


Your Horoscope for Thursday, April 13th 

You make full use of your predominantly good mood. The pleasant atmosphere created is especially beneficial for projects you're involved in. Be sure to arrange your schedule of activities in order to take advantage of the all this positive energy. Any disagreements or differences of opinion can be put to use finding solutions that help everybody.
Today's Lucky Numbers: 37, 76, 44, 57, 77, 59


Your Horoscope for Thursday, April 13th 

You’re feeling really good and don't particularly know the reason why but approach things in a relaxed and carefree way. Sensing somehow you’re able to tackle anything, your optimism seems justified, everything you do is successful. Keep both feet on the ground and don't risk taking on too much, you don’t know how long your luck is going to last.
Today's Lucky Numbers: 19, 89, 30, 12, 49, 67

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Tuesday, April 11, 2017


by: Zig Ziglar

A busy executive was being pressured by his 7-year-old son to pay attention to him, and the father kept putting him off. In one last effort for attention, the youngster said, "Dad, who do you like best -- Batman or Superman?"
The father impatiently replied: "Oh, I don't know. I suppose Superman," and immediately went back to work.
His son persisted, "Dad, aren't you going to ask me who I like best?" The father answered, "Oh, all right, Son, who do you like best?"
The boy said, "I like Batman best."
The father simply commented, "Well, that's nice," and went back to his work.
Then with a pleading tone in his voice, the little boy said, "Dad, aren't you going to ask me why I like Batman best?"
"OK, Son, why do you like Batman best?"
The youngster replied, "Because Batman has a friend."
With that, the father put aside his work, looked at his son and said, "Having a friend is really important, isn't it, Son?" And the youngster responded, "Yes it is, Dad."
The little story says something to all of us, doesn't it? I've never yet met anyone who would not, when pressed, admit that they really treasure friendships -- even those who have managed to alienate almost everyone and who loudly protest that it doesn't matter.
The need for human companionship is present in all of us. We want someone we can call "friend," someone who in times of emergencies is always there when we need somebody to talk to or just be around.
In my own life, outside of my immediate family, my closest friends go back over 30 years, and several of them over 50 years. That number would be larger, were it not for the fact that they are no longer alive.

Responsibility Is the Key

By: Zig Ziglar

All of us have awakened on a given morning not really "feeling" like going to work. Maybe a mild headache threatens, or we are fatigued from lack of sufficient sleep. Perhaps we are facing a difficult assignment. Being a responsible individual, however, we roll out of bed, head for the kitchen for a cup of coffee, and, in the process, realize that we probably are going to survive. We get dressed and drive to work, pitch in when we show up, and two hours later we actually feel good. The action produced the feeling.
Don't misunderstand. I'm not suggesting that if you're suffering from a coronary or if you underwent major surgery yesterday, you should get up and go to work. That would be ridiculous. What I am saying is that many times, when we are slightly out of the mood for doing a job, we fabricate a few symptoms of simply not feeling well, and if we're not careful, we indulge in a little self-pity and decide to pamper ourselves.
The repercussions for doing this and missing work can be extensive. If you play a key role on the team (and really, you wouldn't have been employed if you were not considered key), perhaps your absence throws other people behind in their tasks. I'm not saying this is the equivalent of the disaster of a world war, but if it's repeated frequently, it can create serious problems for your career and for the people with whom you work.
Message: Responsibility and commitment are key elements in meeting obligations. The responsible individual who has made a commitment to do a job or perform a task is going to follow through on the commitment to fulfill his or her responsibility. That's a major key to success in personal, family and business life. Now, make the commitment, and I'll see you at the top!

Today's Free Daily Horoscopes


Your Horoscope for Wednesday, April 12th

Your professional and private activities are noticed by the people in your life that are most important to you. Make use of this and apply yourself to the task with renewed confidence. Put forward your views with conviction but don't overdo it - arrogance does not help your cause - but the composure you show is more likely contribute positively to the result. 

Today's Lucky Numbers: 29, 63, 67, 18, 37, 24


Your Horoscope for Wednesday, April 12th 

Your thoughts are clearer than usual, your mind is sharp and unlikely to be adversely affected by outside influences. Think situations over carefully, put them in perspective and build up a clear picture of your requirements, visions and goals. Use this as a foundation and source of encouragement you need to guide and propel you forwards into the future.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 85, 58, 53, 75, 65, 43


Your Horoscope for Wednesday, April 12th 

In a give-and-take mood, you’re likely to argue your point of view in an open and honest way that’s appreciated and is responded to in a similar fashion. People sense your positive intentions and are motivated and encouraged by such an easygoing attitude, helping you overcome and prevent any future mix-ups and resolve any long-standing disagreements.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 38, 87, 24, 1, 8, 9


Your Horoscope for Wednesday, April 12th 

Your happy-go-lucky mood is infectious and ideal for connecting with the friends or those you are closest to. Make the most of the way you are feeling, the experiences you engender in those around you strengthen the bonds between you. The joy you bring is something you can be proud of and provides unforgettable moments you cherish in the future.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 91, 96, 27, 42, 65, 84


Your Horoscope for Wednesday, April 12th 

Enthusiastic and energetic, you make a concerted effort to explore some different opportunities that eventually lead to exciting and unforgettable experiences you’re unlikely to forget. Be careful you don’t become involved in too many different things at once and exhaust yourself. If you do, you’re inevitably faced with unfinished tasks that are a liability.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 64, 29, 55, 93, 34, 18


Your Horoscope for Wednesday, April 12th 

You probably feel the need to overturn old ways of doing things and develop a new approach to your plans that makes full use of your talent for inspiring others. Where a personal relationship is concerned, you achieve a great deal and it's appropriate to replace outmoded routines in your life together and discover a new pastime you both take pleasure in.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 63, 51, 78, 45, 4, 1


Your Horoscope for Wednesday, April 12th 

Any pressure you previously felt ebbs away leaving you feeling able to make constructive plans for the future. Having first discovered exactly what caused you so much consternation in the past you make sure it can never happen again. Define exactly what is important for you to maintain a relationship, the type of person you ideally want to be close to.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 60, 36, 14, 22, 61, 62


Your Horoscope for Wednesday, April 12th 

Don't be surprised if your partner pays you compliments for no apparent reason or if you are single you get far more attention than you would normally expect. Others find you more captivating and alluring than ever and this enables you to flirt outrageously. Your instincts are strong, you’re drawn towards opportunities which ultimately result in success.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 51, 7, 31, 10, 19, 74


Your Horoscope for Wednesday, April 12th 

Although tempting, don't take on too much, concentrate instead on those matters most important to you. Otherwise you run the risk of being overwhelmed. If you do decide to tackle something new, be open and invite others to help you. Success is likely if you focus your energies and do not let yourself be side-tracked by problems that aren’t your concern.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 10, 98, 42, 12, 23, 34


Your Horoscope for Wednesday, April 12th 

You have a need to understand as much as you possibly can about your current situation and how to improve your position and outlook for the future. You no longer avoid making this challenge a top priority and need to learn exactly how to make improvements become a reality. Recognizing such a solution is satisfying and brings you untold benefits.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 16, 11, 96, 73, 90, 8


Your Horoscope for Wednesday, April 12th 

You make new contacts easily and soon win over new friends. Close relationships need more time though and deserve to be cultivated and appreciated for what they give you. Decide if these new acquaintances are worth investing time and effort in. Take a critical look at yourself and see if these are just fleeting acquaintances or something that endures.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 87, 3, 27, 7, 29, 79


Your Horoscope for Wednesday, April 12th 

You’re resourceful and happy to spend time on improving your appearance and behaving as well as you possibly can. You feel affectionate towards those closest to you or if single your positive attitude has a marked effect on the way you respond. Not feeling like anything too physically demanding, instead you prefer a good time in pleasant surroundings.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 28, 73, 47, 82, 53, 89

Monday, April 10, 2017

Today's Free Daily Horoscopes


Your Horoscope for Tuesday, April 11th

Summon up the courage to make real long term projects and promote your ideas in a self-assured way in order to win over any doubters. Those around you react positively to your enthusiasm and encourage you further. This is true in your private life also. Don't shy away from showing off this new-found side to you – this is the way to move forwards. 

Today's Lucky Numbers: 10, 49, 79, 16, 22, 6


Your Horoscope for Tuesday, April 11th 

Your thinking is clearer and offers a chance for you to extend your understanding into new areas, to broaden horizons and it’s enjoyable too. Yet if you’re overly ambitious, unexpected pressures weaken motivation and hamper progress, making you feel unsettled and nervous. Counteract this by relaxing, by taking a walk, meditating or active recreation.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 61, 80, 67, 15, 14, 75


Your Horoscope for Tuesday, April 11th 

You’re more than capable of dealing with people, you respond naturally to them in the most appropriate way you know, understanding their needs and requirements. It's not difficult for you to take on any sort of task you’re presented with. Partners notice how much energy you have available and propose a new joint venture which you do well in together.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 88, 35, 50, 26, 81, 71


Your Horoscope for Tuesday, April 11th 

Pleasant , composed and generous in your dealings with others, be careful in your striving to be as fair minded as possible, that you don’t concede too much ground and later regret it. Generally speaking your diplomatic approach wins out in the end and others learn to appreciate and respect the way you conduct yourself and repay your generosity.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 11, 84, 45, 96, 17, 27


Your Horoscope for Tuesday, April 11th 

You’re more relaxed than usual, which is in part due to the fact that life is running smoothly and other people are particularly friendly towards you. It’s equally due to a healthy attitude that you have. Give more attention to your friends and make an effort develop new relationships. Importantly take advantage of opportunities when they arise.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 64, 32, 12, 77, 7, 67


Your Horoscope for Tuesday, April 11th 

The confidence you possess increases and leads to new understanding. You get on very well with people and experience very few problems. You’re able to use this time to rest and reflect; you need to see it as an opportunity to make the most of your new found insights, making sure you use them in the best way by turning them into real plans for your future.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 22, 26, 27, 51, 77, 28


Your Horoscope for Tuesday, April 11th 

Mutual goodwill is a decisive factor in helping you make an extremely good agreement which benefits everybody concerned. You’re able to demonstrate that you’re the right partner for such an agreement. How you achieve your part of the deal goes a long way to deciding whether you’re able to make similarly beneficial agreements in the future.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 69, 7, 8, 35, 43, 72


Your Horoscope for Tuesday, April 11th 

Your openness has the desired effect - you are sensitive and responsive making friends easily. You generally feel quite optimistic, confident and keen to get involved, to know more people. Among these new relationships are those that involve romantic possibilities. If you don’t have a partner already, then something new could well be on the horizon.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 23, 97, 64, 95, 37, 20


Your Horoscope for Tuesday, April 11th 

You’re able to relax more, any infighting is over and you no longer feel on the offensive. Other people are drawn to you as increasingly the inner calm you feel helps improve and further develop your personal relationships. Make sure you don't expend too much energy on recreational activities, concentrate on the fun aspect rather than hard physical work.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 57, 41, 29, 33, 72, 93


Your Horoscope for Tuesday, April 11th 

You take on the most problematic tasks with consummate ease. Admired and appreciated for your abilities as a team leader or someone who optimistically spurs others into action and provides the correct amount of stimulus for them to actively harness their dreams. In your personal life, your alert mind helps to resolve a problem you thought intractable.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 56, 68, 16, 78, 88, 83


Your Horoscope for Tuesday, April 11th 

Your enthusiasm is noticeable. Use your persuasive ability to demonstrate to your partner how much you feel for them. Organize a special surprise to stimulate agreeable feelings between you. When you combine your laid back attitude and the organizational ability you possess, the overriding effect is to establish a wonderful feeling of stability between you.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 24, 21, 60, 2, 22, 84


Your Horoscope for Tuesday, April 11th 

You’re particularly attractive to those you meet, but this doesn't bode well if, as much as you feel like doing so, you flirt in inappropriate places. Singles should limit your search for new people to their leisure time, the right person could be just around the corner. If living with a partner, their needs should come first, show them there is no reason to be jealous.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 31, 58, 98, 1, 61, 74

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Today's Free Daily Horoscopes


Your Horoscope for Monday, April 10th

Summon up the courage to make real long term projects and promote your ideas in a self-assured way in order to win over any doubters. Those around you react positively to your enthusiasm and encourage you further. This is true in your private life also. Don't shy away from showing off this new-found side to you – this is the way to move forwards. 

Today's Lucky Numbers: 12, 5, 20, 45, 79, 83


Your Horoscope for Monday, April 10th 

Your thinking is clearer and offers a chance for you to extend your understanding into new areas, to broaden horizons and it’s enjoyable too. Yet if you’re overly ambitious, unexpected pressures weaken motivation and hamper progress, making you feel unsettled and nervous. Counteract this by relaxing, by taking a walk, meditating or active recreation.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 55, 9, 93, 4, 63, 89


Your Horoscope for Monday, April 10th 

You’re more than capable of dealing with people, you respond naturally to them in the most appropriate way you know, understanding their needs and requirements. It's not difficult for you to take on any sort of task you’re presented with. Partners notice how much energy you have available and propose a new joint venture which you do well in together.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 9, 41, 81, 37, 49, 10


Your Horoscope for Monday, April 10th 

Pleasant , composed and generous in your dealings with others, be careful in your striving to be as fair minded as possible, that you don’t concede too much ground and later regret it. Generally speaking your diplomatic approach wins out in the end and others learn to appreciate and respect the way you conduct yourself and repay your generosity.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 66, 32, 43, 55, 79, 71


Your Horoscope for Monday, April 10th 

You’re more relaxed than usual, which is in part due to the fact that life is running smoothly and other people are particularly friendly towards you. It’s equally due to a healthy attitude that you have. Give more attention to your friends and make an effort develop new relationships. Importantly take advantage of opportunities when they arise.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 91, 6, 61, 23, 88, 60


Your Horoscope for Monday, April 10th 

The confidence you possess increases and leads to new understanding. You get on very well with people and experience very few problems. You’re able to use this time to rest and reflect; you need to see it as an opportunity to make the most of your new found insights, making sure you use them in the best way by turning them into real plans for your future.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 67, 20, 88, 52, 37, 29


Your Horoscope for Monday, April 10th 

Mutual goodwill is a decisive factor in helping you make an extremely good agreement which benefits everybody concerned. You’re able to demonstrate that you’re the right partner for such an agreement. How you achieve your part of the deal goes a long way to deciding whether you’re able to make similarly beneficial agreements in the future.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 85, 38, 29, 3, 82, 89


Your Horoscope for Monday, April 10th 

Mutual goodwill is a decisive factor in helping you make an extremely good agreement which benefits everybody concerned. You’re able to demonstrate that you’re the right partner for such an agreement. How you achieve your part of the deal goes a long way to deciding whether you’re able to make similarly beneficial agreements in the future.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 85, 38, 29, 3, 82, 89


Your Horoscope for Monday, April 10th 

Your openness has the desired effect - you are sensitive and responsive making friends easily. You generally feel quite optimistic, confident and keen to get involved, to know more people. Among these new relationships are those that involve romantic possibilities. If you don’t have a partner already, then something new could well be on the horizon.
Today's Lucky Numbers: 74, 93, 19, 61, 58, 25


Your Horoscope for Monday, April 10th 

You’re able to relax more, any infighting is over and you no longer feel on the offensive. Other people are drawn to you as increasingly the inner calm you feel helps improve and further develop your personal relationships. Make sure you don't expend too much energy on recreational activities, concentrate on the fun aspect rather than hard physical work.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 69, 43, 48, 36, 22, 91


Your Horoscope for Monday, April 10th 

You take on the most problematic tasks with consummate ease. Admired and appreciated for your abilities as a team leader or someone who optimistically spurs others into action and provides the correct amount of stimulus for them to actively harness their dreams. In your personal life, your alert mind helps to resolve a problem you thought intractable.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 64, 90, 87, 50, 94, 23


Your Horoscope for Monday, April 10th 

Your enthusiasm is noticeable. Use your persuasive ability to demonstrate to your partner how much you feel for them. Organize a special surprise to stimulate agreeable feelings between you. When you combine your laid back attitude and the organizational ability you possess, the overriding effect is to establish a wonderful feeling of stability between you.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 15, 44, 14, 70, 13, 24


Your Horoscope for Monday, April 10th 

You’re particularly attractive to those you meet, but this doesn't bode well if, as much as you feel like doing so, you flirt in inappropriate places. Singles should limit your search for new people to their leisure time, the right person could be just around the corner. If living with a partner, their needs should come first, show them there is no reason to be jealous.

Today's Lucky Numbers: 90, 7, 44, 68, 15, 33

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