Sunday, July 30, 2017

Concept Presentation!

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Sunday, July 23, 2017

How do I keep my Bitcoin safe?

How do I keep my Bitcoin safe?
Safely storing your Bitcoin is very important. Unlike other types of money that are controlled by banks, with Bitcoin, you have much more options on how to store and control your money.
Remember your private key that you need to move your Bitcoin? Well, that is literally the key to storing it. Whoever has the key controls the Bitcoin. These keys can be either in digital or even in physical format i.e. written down on a piece of paper.
How to store it then? You can leave the key in your pocket, but that’s not too secure. You can put it in a safe - that’s a lot better. But someone can still break into your house and steal it. Given you want to use your Bitcoin regularly, you might also want to put some or all of it in a digital version on your phone so you can access it easier. The only problem is that if you lose your phone it means you will also lose your key, and there is no way to get it back.
That is why companies like Luno exist - not just to make it easier to buy, sell and use Bitcoin, but also to securely store it. We do this by taking your private keys and storing them in a physical bank vault with access controls like fingerprint and retina scans. In fact, it’s not just one vault, it’s a number of vaults across many continents. And we build it in a way that you have to access the keys from multiple vaults and put them together to actually be able to extract the Bitcoin, similar to the old movies where nuclear submarines need 3-5 ‘launch codes’ from different generals to be able to launch nuclear weapons. This is commonly known as ‘multisig’ (multiple signatures required).
Bitcoin is very safe when it is stored like this, but there is one potential weak link: you need to trust the people storing the keys on your behalf. There are many reputable companies like Luno that you can rely on, but also many others that either doesn't store it properly or might pretend to store it and then misappropriate it. The great thing about Bitcoin is that unlike old money, you have the choice - whether you store it yourself, in physical or digital format, or whether you rely on someone else to safeguard it for you (or even a combination of all of these).
The way Bitcoin is often stored is also one of the biggest ironies of Bitcoin - the world’s global currency that was designed to be used online, is mostly stored ‘offline’, in physical bank vaults and detached from the internet. Who would have thought!

What are the risks with Bitcoin?

What are the risks with Bitcoin?
While Bitcoin is a very exciting technology and new form of money, it doesn’t mean that there is no risk associated with it. As a starting point, it’s important to remember that the same intuitive rules that apply to traditional money also applies to Bitcoin. For example, don’t store cash under your mattress else it might get stolen, or don’t trust your money with strangers.
Bitcoin also has some fairly unique risks: for one, it’s a brand new technology, and while it appears very secure and robust, there is always a chance that it might fail. That is also a reason why you should never put ‘all your eggs in one basket’ and never buy more Bitcoin than you can afford to lose. Bitcoin is also more volatile (i.e. it can move a lot in value both up or down in a short space of time) than many other currencies, and while this appears to be stabilising over time, it’s sure to experience many highly volatile moments in the future.
Also remember that Bitcoin transactions are like cash in that they are irreversible - so if you send Bitcoin to the wrong person, or your Bitcoin wallet is compromised and someone steals your Bitcoin, it might be very difficult if not impossible to get it back. Bitcoin is also not backed by any entity, so if you lose your Bitcoin, your service provider or ‘the Bitcoin network’ will not be able to reimburse your funds. That’s why you need to ensure you use highly trusted product or service providers to help you, similar to how you would ask a bank to help you safely store your money.
Lastly, Bitcoin’s value is determined by the amount of people or business that are willing to accept it, and this is by no means guaranteed. If it grows it will be very good for Bitcoin, but if less people want to use Bitcoin, it will have a very negative impact on the price and might lead to Bitcoin not being used at all.
To summarise, Bitcoin is very exciting and has tremendous potential to change the world, but make sure you understand the risks that go hand in hand with that.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

What is Bitcoin mining?

What is Bitcoin mining?
As mentioned in an earlier section, one can think of Bitcoin as one big global ledger system that records transactions (or ‘moving money’) from one person to another. Whenever Bitcoin transactions are processed on the Bitcoin network – that means Bitcoin being moved from one person to another – someone has to make sure all the transactions are recorded properly and that the ledgers on all the systems are synchronized all over the world.
In the case of Bitcoin, this process is not done by people or companies, but by thousands of computers all over the world that are all connected to the internet. These computers are knowns as ‘miners’, but they should really simply be called ‘computers that process transactions’.
To do this processing in a very secure way, these computers need to perform very complicated calculations that take a lot of computing power, and in turn, require a lot of energy and expensive and specialized processing equipment. Someone - the owner of the computers - needs to pay for all this equipment and electricity, so they need to be compensated for all the money and effort they are putting into making this network work. They earn this compensation through newly minted Bitcoin - so, in short, all new Bitcoin that is created acts as a reward and incentive mechanism for people to contribute their computers to the system to help process transactions.
Another way to look at it is to consider what would happen if a large bank built the world’s biggest global transaction processing system: they would spend a few billion dollar on it and then charge every one transaction fees to recoup this cost. With Bitcoin mining, the cost of this global system has just been spread over thousands of computers, and they recoup their cost through newly minted Bitcoin. In short, it’s simply a democratization of financial infrastructure.

Bitcoin as the internet

Bitcoin as the internet
The internet has changed the way people live and do business, and is arguably one of the biggest advancements in human history. What many people don’t realise is that the internet we know today might never have happened at all because there were a number of ‘rival’ ‘internets’ being built at that time. These were specific companies that wanted to connect all the computers in the world and share information, but do it on their own system, so that people had to pay to access their own ‘information superhighway’.
The modern internet was different in that it was, by design, an open system that anyone could use as they please, and it wasn’t owned by anyone, so no gatekeepers. This lead to something that is called ‘permissionless innovation’ - people can try and test new things without needing access granted by some gatekeeper. This is what lead to an explosion in innovation and adoption of the ‘open’ internet, and ended up being the reason it is so pervasive today. The design also means that most parts of the internet are ‘interoperable’ - this means that the internet or email I use can connect to the same internet or email a person in another country uses. This is similar to different countries speaking different languages - a German person and a Chinese person will struggle to communicate, but if they both speak English it’s much easier. The internet allowed everyone to essentially speak ‘one global language’.
In this sense, Bitcoin is similar to the internet. For one, it’s not owned by anyone, so anyone can use it as they please - no gatekeepers. This is often referred to as ‘decentralised’. It also allows for permissionless innovation, and this is the reason why so many people are building companies and applications on top of it and it is growing so fast. Lastly, it is interoperable - like email or the internet, my Bitcoin and your Bitcoin all works on the same system, it’s one big global transaction ledger and in some sense, the world’s first truly global currency.

Friday, July 21, 2017

How do I keep my Bitcoin safe?

How do I keep my Bitcoin safe?
Safely storing your Bitcoin is very important. Unlike other types of money that is controlled by banks, with Bitcoin, you have much more options on how to store and control your money.
Remember your private key that you need to move your Bitcoin? Well, that is literally the key to storing it. Whoever has the key controls the Bitcoin. These keys can be either in digital or even in physical format i.e. written down on a piece of paper.
How to store it then? You can leave the key in your pocket, but that’s not too secure. You can put it in a safe - that’s a lot better. But someone can still break into your house and steal it. Given you want to use your Bitcoin regularly, you might also want to put some or all of it in a digital version on your phone so you can access it easier. The only problem is that if you lose your phone it means you will also lose your key, and there is no way to get it back.
That is why companies like Luno exist - not just to make it easier to buy, sell and use Bitcoin, but also to securely store it. We do this by taking your private keys and storing them in a physical bank vault with access controls like fingerprint and retina scans. In fact, it’s not just one vault, it’s a number of vaults across many continents. And we build it in a way that you have to access the keys from multiple vaults and put them together to actually be able to extract the Bitcoin, similar to the old movies where nuclear submarines need 3-5 ‘launch codes’ from different generals to be able to launch nuclear weapons. This is commonly knows as ‘multisig’ (multiple signatures required).
Bitcoin is very safe when it is stored like this, but there is one potential weak link: you need to trust the people storing the keys on your behalf. There are many reputable companies like Luno that you can rely on, but also many others that either doesn't store it properly or might pretend to store it and then misappropriate it. The great thing about Bitcoin is that unlike old money, you have the choice - whether you store it yourself, in physical or digital format, or whether you rely on someone else to safeguard it for you (or even a combination of all of these).
The way Bitcoin is often stored is also one of the biggest ironies of Bitcoin - the world’s global currency that was designed to be used online, is mostly stored ‘offline’, in physical bank vaults and detached from the internet. Who would have thought!

What is Bitcoin mining?

What is Bitcoin mining?
As mentioned in an earlier section, one can think of Bitcoin as one big global ledger system that records transactions (or ‘moving money’) from one person to another. Whenever Bitcoin transactions are processed on the Bitcoin network – that means Bitcoin being moved from one person to another – someone has to make sure all the transactions are recorded properly and that the ledgers on all the systems are synchronized all over the world.
In the case of Bitcoin, this process is not done by people or companies, but by thousands of computers all over the world that are all connected to the internet. These computers are knowns as ‘miners’, but they should really simply be called ‘computers that process transactions’.
To do this processing in a very secure way, these computers need to perform very complicated calculations that take a lot of computing power, and in turn, require a lot of energy and expensive and specialized processing equipment. Someone - the owner of the computers - needs to pay for all this equipment and electricity, so they need to be compensated for all the money and effort they are putting into making this network work. They earn this compensation through newly minted Bitcoin - so, in short, all new Bitcoin that is created acts as a reward and incentive mechanism for people to contribute their computers to the system to help process transactions.
Another way to look at it is to consider what would happen if a large bank built the world’s biggest global transaction processing system: they would spend a few billion dollar on it and then charge every one transaction fees to recoup this cost. With Bitcoin mining, the cost of this global system has just been spread over thousands of computers, and they recoup their cost through newly minted Bitcoin. In short, it’s simply a democratization of financial infrastructure.

Bitcoin as digital gold

Bitcoin as digital gold
Over the centuries gold has been considered as an object of value by many different groups of people all over the world. It’s important to note that gold in itself has no value - it’s just a piece of shiny metal. Its values come from the (somewhat perplexing) fact that everyone just agreed that it has value, and therefore it becomes valuable. The reason they chose gold versus other objects is important - gold has certain characteristics that make it a better ‘store of value’ (as it is commonly known) than others:
For one, it is rare, which means it has limited supply (there is only a certain amount of gold in the world - if it was too abundant everyone would have it and then it would have no value), it is malleable (it can be melted and made into smaller units i.e. coins, and importantly the per unit value doesn’t change when you break it into smaller pieces, unlike things like diamonds), it is stable and doesn’t degrade, it’s easy to recognise and very importantly, hard to counterfeit.
As it turns out, Bitcoin has all of these same characteristics, and more. It has limited supply (only a specific amount of Bitcoin exists and will ever be produced), it can be made into smaller units without losing unit value (1 Bitcoin = 100,000,000 Satoshis - the smallest unit of which a Bitcoin can be broken down to, similar to the cents in a Dollar or pennies in a pound; this is also why one can buy less than one Bitcoin at a time), it’s technology makes it very stable and it won’t degrade, and it’s impossible to counterfeit. On top of this, and unlike gold, you can move it to any place on earth within minutes, no matter how big or small the amount. That’s why many people say that Bitcoin is not just digital gold, but a better version of gold.
On top of that, Bitcoin has value as a payment system in itself, which gives it even more value. And the more people use Bitcoin for payments, the more valuable this system becomes. It’s a bit like buying shares in Visa and then using those shares to buy a coke at your local 7-11; and because you used the Visa shares to pay, the more valuable Visa (the payment system) becomes, and the more Visa shares become worth. So the value of Bitcoin comes from both its gold-like characteristics as well as its payment system abilities.

Bitcoin as a payment system

Bitcoin as a payment system
How did we transfer money thousands of years ago, when we all still lived in little villages and knew and trusted each other? We simply exchanged things with each other, as we still do with cash today. But when money moved online things got a bit trickier, and the way the banks and credit card systems dealt with this was to create a ‘ledger system’ – basically records of account showing who has what.
When John wants to transfer online money from one person to another, the bank moves the money from John to Sarah. John cannot do it himself because there is a risk he might cheat – he can copy and paste the digital money (it's only numbered on a computer after all) and send the 100 to two different people; nobody would be the wiser. So we trust the bank to send the money and make sure it only gets sent to one person. Now the bank can still cheat, but we trust them that they don’t.
If it’s the same bank it’s easy to transfer, but if it’s two different banks it gets a bit more complicated as they might have different ledger systems that need to be reconciled. For this, they charge a fee, and it often takes time. When they are banks or other financial systems in foreign countries, it gets even more complicated: different languages, systems, currencies, more parties to coordinate and so on, so the fees and transfer times increase. That’s why the current financial system is so complex. It’s just a massive entanglement of various ledger systems around the world.
Bitcoin changes all of that. How? It is simply one global ledger system that synchronizes across the entire internet so that everyone can access the same ledger account in real time no matter who or where they are. The result? Money can easily be transferred between parties without all the lag times and exorbitant fees. Just like it used to be before the world became big and complicated.
And what do people use Bitcoin as a payment system for? Everything else that one would do with normal money: send to friends and family - both local or abroad, buy things online, get paid for their work and so on.

Where did Bitcoin come from?

Where did Bitcoin come from?
Bitcoin was ‘invented’ by a person or group of people using the name ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’. Does anyone know who this really is? Despite many articles and investigation to unmask the person(s), there is still no conclusive evidence on who they are. Does it matter? Not at all. Satoshi designed the entire Bitcoin system in an ‘open source’ manner - this means the code is available for everyone to inspect and see, so there are no hidden secrets and no influence on it from the creator. Over time many others have also worked on this code so it’s already very different from the initial outline Satoshi proposed.
It’s also worth mentioning that there is a common misconception that Satoshi invented Bitcoin all by himself. Like many big breakthroughs in the sciences, Satoshi’s invention was built on the shoulder of giants. For the past few decades many top scientists, engineers, and mathematicians were involved in research around cryptography, systems and so on. Satoshi managed to pull all of this work together into one coherent plan and then helped to start implementing it. If you read the Satoshi white paper you’ll even notice that he references all the other work that he relied on to complete his invention.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

What is Bitcoin?

What is Bitcoin?
Many people believe Bitcoin to be very complicated, when in fact it’s a lot more simple and intuitive than what most people think. This series aims to help everyone get a grasp of the basics, and over time also present further learning opportunities for those that want to know more.
Bitcoin is often explained by comparing it to something specific people already know, but this is often what creates a lot of confusion. Bitcoin is a new technology that is unlike anything we have seen before, so a better way to think of it is as a combination of a few different things we are already used to:
Firstly, because it allows you to move money so easily, Bitcoin functions as a payment system, similar to bank transfers or credit cards, only a bit better.
Second, Bitcoin is in some sense similar to gold - that is why many people even refer to it as ‘digital gold’ or ‘Gold 2.0’. Think of it as using gold for money, except it also very easy to move.
Third, Bitcoin is like the internet in that no single person or entity controls it, so anyone can pretty much use it as they like. This gives it some very unique characteristics.
These three characteristics also reinforce one another, so they are all interwoven. But more on all of this in the next few sections. For now, just imagine what would happen if you took a big pot and threw in a credit card, a piece of gold, and a hint of ‘internet’ - mix it all up - and pull out a brand new compound - Bitcoin!
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Sunday, July 16, 2017


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Friday, July 14, 2017

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Thursday, July 13, 2017

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Horoscope for Thursday 13th July 2017 
On Thirteen of July, the moon wanes into the Pisces. Children of this sign are often best recognized by their strong care for others, which often keeps them from drawing simple conclusions. As a result of this, people under the influence of this sign tend to have difficulty making up their minds. Natives of all signs should think things through carefully when they have the time, but should not be afraid to take a guess when they don't.
Today Horoscope for AriesToday Horoscope for Aries:
Natives of Aries should try to not use today as an excuse to jump the gun. Natives of this sign tend not to spend a great deal of time thinking through their actions, and might find the moon in Pisces helps them think ahead.
Today Horoscope for TaurusToday Horoscope for Taurus:
Taureans are not likely to be too thrown off by the moon in Pisces, as natives of this sign often have certain criteria and formulas that they have created for themselves that often take the choice out of their decision making. While this often leads them to be stubborn and uninventive, it may give them a boost today.
Today Horoscope for GeminiToday Horoscope for Gemini:
Children of Gemini may want to rely on their relationships to get them through the day. Natives of this sign are likely to have a hard time making up their minds, but because they tend to be so social, they are likely to know who to go to for advice on a given subject.
Today Horoscope for CancerToday Horoscope for Cancer:
Cancerians are advised to come up with their own conclusions today. Children of this sign are often unwilling to stand up for themselves, and when they are not uncertain of themselves - like they are likely to be today - they are likely to listen to the first thing they hear.
Today Horoscope for LeoToday Horoscope for Leo:
Children of Leo may want to stay quiet today. Natives of this sign often speak very loudly, and today they are likely to speak too quickly and say something that they won't believe by tomorrow - if they don't take the time to think through their words.
Today Horoscope for VirgoToday Horoscope for Virgo:
Virgoans should try to avoid making big decisions today. Natives of this sign tend to be good at thinking ahead and thinking in detail, but the moon in an uncertain sign may cause them to think too far ahead and think in circles - both activities that lead to nowhere.
Today Horoscope for LibraToday Horoscope for Libra:
There are not likely to be many long-lasting or passionate conflicts today, which is just as good, seeing as not even a Libran would be in a fit state to solve them today. Natives of this sign should consider indulging the moon in Pisces a little and questioning their own beliefs.
Today Horoscope for ScorpioToday Horoscope for Scorpio:
Children of Scorpio should stick to their passions today. Not only should others not necessarily be held responsible for what they say today, but Scorpios also may tomorrow regret biting someone today. While opinions are subject to change today, this is not likely true of passions.

Today Horoscope for SagittariusToday Horoscope for Sagittarius:
Sagittarians are advised to take trips today, as long as they bring a map. Natives of this sign tend to enjoy traveling, and sometimes the best road-trips are on the days when one cannot make up one's mind. Children of this sign should also tend to their thoughts, as they are likely to be very pensive today.
Today Horoscope for CapricornToday Horoscope for Capricorn:
Natives of Capricorn should lock themselves in a room and do something mundane today. Children of this sign are often more than capable of holding the ground, but today that ground may feel more like sand.
Today Horoscope for AquariusToday Horoscope for Aquarius:
Aquarians should avoid saying or doing anything today that they could not take back tomorrow. Natives of this sign often like to be able to stand by their words, but their words today may not be representative of what they thought the day before, or what they may think tomorrow.
Today Horoscope for PiscesToday Horoscope for Pisces:
Natives of Pisces are advised to only do things that have a set formula. Thinking and making decisions is likely to be very hard today, but not all action requires either of these abilities if there is a procedure laid out in advance.
Horoscope for Wednesday 12th July 2017 
On the twelfth of July, the moon continues on its waning path through the house of Aquarius while those under the influence of Aquarius are often motivated by the best intentions. They can seem to be combative and opinionated, which often weakens their arguments. Natives of all signs should remember that they are representatives of their opinions, and would do well to be favorable representatives.
Today Horoscope for AriesToday Horoscope for Aries:
Natives of Aries should take some time to consider their argument before they open their mouths. Children of this sign tend to be very enthusiastic, but those who bring enthusiasm and are met with preparedness seldom win the day, regardless of how much enthusiasm they bring.
Today Horoscope for TaurusToday Horoscope for Taurus:
Taureans may want to be careful about how they bare themselves today. Children of this sign are seldom looking for a fight, but because of their often solitary and stubborn nature, children of this sign sometimes seem to be looking for trouble.
Today Horoscope for GeminiToday Horoscope for Gemini:
Natives of Gemini may be able to lay traps today. Children of this sign are often seen as simple gossips by the natives of other signs. This underestimation paired with the fact that children of this sign often guide the conversation can allow the clever Gemini to rack up talking points by trapping over-confident Aquarians or children of Aries.
Today Horoscope for CancerToday Horoscope for Cancer:
Cancerians should consider speaking seldom but speaking well. Natives of this sign are seldom expected to stand their ground, meaning that the Cancerian that holds the field can often repel attacks from adversaries expecting a weak opponent.
Today Horoscope for LeoToday Horoscope for Leo:
Natives of Leo are advised to lower their voices when not looking for a fight today. Children of this sign tend to have rather loud personalities, which may seem to be inviting a conflict that they may or may not want.
Today Horoscope for VirgoToday Horoscope for Virgo:
Virgoans may want to stay in their own spaces today. Children of this sign are often very detail oriented, so their arguments often are too. While this is a good thing, emotions are running high today, and unfortunately one cannot always fight fire with facts.
Today Horoscope for LibraToday Horoscope for Libra:
Librans should avoid interceding when the natives of other signs are merely butting heads for exercise, but should certainly prevent tensions from running too high. Of course, it is necessary that when a Libran intercede, they do so without picking sides.
Today Horoscope for ScorpioToday Horoscope for Scorpio:
Children of Scorpio should try to avoid looking for fights but should not be afraid to engage in whatever fight finds them. This serves a double purpose, as it will keep the Scorpios out of undoing trouble, and it will aid them in what trouble finds them, as children of this sign often fight better on the defensive anyway.
Today Horoscope for SagittariusToday Horoscope for Sagittarius:
Sagittarians are advised to follow their nature and avoid conflict with others today. Natives of this sign are likely to become quickly fed up with the actions of others and are likely to have a more interesting day talking to themselves.
Today Horoscope for CapricornToday Horoscope for Capricorn:
Children of Capricorn should try to focus on their work today. Natives of this sign are often more interested in doing their work than they are at picking fights, and they are far more likely to win the fights that they can keep on their own turf.
Today Horoscope for AquariusToday Horoscope for Aquarius:
Aquarians must stay calm today if they want to win their engagements. Staying calm under fire is almost its own rhetorical appeal, and natives of this sign that quickly rise to anger or stoop to slights will not carry the day.
Today Horoscope for PiscesToday Horoscope for Pisces:
Children of Pisces tend to have strong first impressions of things and tend to change their minds quickly, meaning that natives of this sign should avoid argument if they can, and speak briefly if they cannot. Fortunately for children of this sign, their first impressions tend to be fairly accurate.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

How to buy bitcoin with the coins ph wallet app Tutorial

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Friday, July 7, 2017

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Horoscope for July 2017

Horoscope for July 2017Horoscope for July 2017 promises to bring good news only to some people. How anything bad could happen at a time when summer is in its full swing? Turns out that this is indeed possible! Over the next four weeks the situation is expected to make some people go through a creative block, it will force others to solve the problems in their personal lives; and a common "disaster" for every single zodiac sign representative will be a catastrophic shortage of finances. Unfortunately, all these issues of various nature will make it hardly possible for anyone to fully enjoy the heating month of July 2017... 

The first decade of July is expected to be especially intense, when the vast majority of people will make the problems related to their finances and careers a top priority. Everyone working for themselves will have to look for workarounds to avoid problems with the sale of their goods and services in the middle of summer. At the same time, people working for enterprises will experience the lack of prospects for further career development. Many people at this point will realise a rather depressing fact - they are at a risk of being fired. Creative individuals will not be able to take advantage of July 2017 for the creation of their new masterpieces. An infinite vanity will cause this major issue, that will repeatedly occur due to some domestic troubles. 

By the second decade of July all the problems, related to financial and professional aspects of all zodiac sign representatives' lives, will gradually dissolve. Though, you'll still have to deal with some issues in between your smoothing the things out in your personal life. If you've been married for quite a long time now, the middle of summer will make you raise an unpleasant question concerning the future of your marriage. In case you are standing on the threshold of a new love affair, be prepared, that July will show you previously unknown qualities of your potential second half. "Drag" your sweetheart to entertainment events as often as possible, and you will soon realise that a seemingly respectable and educated person completely loses control taking a small share of alcohol. 

With July coming to its logical end, and the beginning of the third decade of the month, most people will be able to breathe a sigh of relief. Many people will already find ways to get rid of the constant shortage of money. Others will be able to build a new romantic relationship, and married people will realise how to bring peace back to their house. The only major problem of the last decade of July will be a rather unstable well-being of most of zodiac sign representatives, not knowing the true causes of their ailments. As a result, people will decide that the sizzling sun and exhausting heat, that are incredibly hard to escape from, are main causes for their health related issues.

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