Friday, May 26, 2017

Horoscope for Friday 26th May 2017
Today's astrological journey might have you wake up feeling completely refreshed! Like a breath of fresh air! What goals are you longing to achieve? This is the perfect time to embrace your career goals and exercise routines. The Moon cycle continues through the sign of Gemini today. There is an excellent aspect between the planet Mars with the Moon in Gemini sextile Venus in Aries making romantic aspects quite harmonious today. Conversations go well, and love is in the air! This is an excellent time to set a date or propose to someone! Marriage is possible at this time with the planet Jupiter expanding relationship prospects at this time. The planet Saturn in Sagittarius is organizing structures and making contracts solid! A great time for family businesses!
Today Horoscope for AriesToday Horoscope for Aries:
This is a gracious time for you! Be thankful for those around you, many people are taking notice of your strength and courage. You are the ultimate badass! You are getting along harmoniously with many people, and not afraid to let people know how you feel. Romance is a major factor in your life at this time. Embrace this moment! Love is all around you!
Today Horoscope for TaurusToday Horoscope for Taurus:
This is an excellent time to continue a commitment to your career and investments. Financial opportunities present themselves and possibly in the form of a new job prospect. This is an excellent time to expand your family or plan a move. Vacations are welcome as well. However, your home is possible the main focal point. Any needed fixtures will be fruitful at this time. Anyone working in real-estate or trying to sell your house might find that today is a great day to work with promoting your visibility. Get the contractors to work, and your advertising out there in the world. You might need a business partner at this time to help you with your goals. Yellow is your power color today, theirs is Green!
Today Horoscope for GeminiToday Horoscope for Gemini:
You are the architect of your own reality at this time. This is the time for you to take the lead and allow your life to grow for the better. If you are thinking of starting a family, this is a great turning point for you. Romance is very possible today, as the planet of love is in harmony with your energy as well. Really enjoy everything you do! Artistry is a keen possibility for you as well.
Today Horoscope for CancerToday Horoscope for Cancer:
You might feel a bit subdued and passed over today. This is a great time to meditate and focus on quiet activities. Anything that brings you internal peace and harmony. Artists and designers might be highly sought out. You might have unexpected communications throughout the next few days. This is an excellent time to submit electronic applications. You might feel tied to something or someone at this time. Wait for the next Full Moon cycle to let it go! Journals and writing is encouraged at this time!
Today Horoscope for LeoToday Horoscope for Leo:
This is an excellent day for you to work on beauty routines! Your physical health is a priority at this time. Any hair appointments should be set for today! If you are thinking about changing your look, this is the time! Finances are in flow, and your outlook on life is quite positive! Your long-term investments are a great prospect as well. Any changes in housing are welcome at this time. Set the appointments you need to set, and really pamper yourself today! Get out there, and smile it up! Yellow is your power color for today!
Today Horoscope for VirgoToday Horoscope for Virgo:
This is a great time for growth. Your health routine needs to be of priority at this time. Take care of digestive and nerve health. Probiotics if possible, and eat your vegetables! Get all the necessary calories you need and medical testing if possible. This is a time to truly work with your physical body in the most beneficial way, long-term health is highly important! For those born in September, pay attention to your blood pressure and sugar levels! Balance is key!
Today Horoscope for LibraToday Horoscope for Libra:
This is an excellent time for movement of all kind! Physical movement whether in your health routine, spiritual life, or even deciding out-of-the-blue to move to a completely exotic location, this is your time to experience great change. Shifts are important as they will bring in a new and incredible energy into your own life. You need a little more inspiration, and you've been wanting this for a long time. Give yourself a great gift!
Today Horoscope for ScorpioToday Horoscope for Scorpio:
This is a great time to also read Virgo! Your health is important and people want you to take care of yourself! Important family conversations, possibly with siblings are possible at this time. Pay attention to your daily routines and family roots. You might learn of something or someone from your past. This is a perfect day for spending time at home with your family. The stinger might be out for part of the day, but there's someone around who will soften you up! They see the softer side of you! Red is your power color, and Puppies are adorable! Play with a puppy! Don't roll your eyes!
Today Horoscope for SagittariusToday Horoscope for Sagittarius:
Some well-needed self-care is the theme of the day. Your partner might take priority at this time. If it seems like others are having more fun than you, know you are not alone. You are being asked to pick-up the slack for someone or something. This is a great time where your authority and leadership skills are being tested. You might feel exhausted by the end of the day, but in truth you are maturing greatly. Those born in December might have a career readjustment or realignment at this time. Pay attention to bone health. Chiropractic work might be the perfect option for some or heat therapy.
Today Horoscope for CapricornToday Horoscope for Capricorn:
Love can be hit or miss at this time. It really is dependent upon whether you allow yourself to be out there. Sometimes your sign has a tendency to hold back and keep to yourself. There might be some around you who express their feelings to your or truly want to spend time with you. If you choose to do something out of your comfort zone, you will not regret it! It is all dependent upon your decisions. Navy Blue is your power color today.
Today Horoscope for AquariusToday Horoscope for Aquarius:
You are rocking and moving and enjoying! Yes, let a run-on sentence happen! Who cares! YOLO right? This is an excellent time to chat away with a friend on the phone. Communication is the thing of the day. Talk away! Experience the world, and learn new things. You have great priorities and goals for yourself, you will achieve them all! Nerve health is important at this time. Yellow is your power color today. Enjoy the journey you are on! Bring in the positive!
Today Horoscope for PiscesToday Horoscope for Pisces:
There is a lot of CHANGE pouring over you at this time. You might want to also read Libra and Taurus over the next few days. Your life is expanding and growing rapidly right now. You have many new ideas coming to you from almost out of the blue. You may catch up with old friends and lovers. An answer to a past difficulty or trauma is possibly resolved. There is a great deal of movement in all capacities! Appreciate this CHANGE! The word of the day is of course, CHANGE!

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