Sunday, May 14, 2017

Horoscope for Monday 15th May 2017 
The stars of today begin and end with the moon moving through Capricorn with the focus continuing the theme of work, career, and financial security. This is the perfect day to recognize the transformations you've experienced and the structures surrounding your own life. This includes governmental projects and military operations. Major news events surrounding large corporations might be of emphasis at this time as well.
Today Horoscope for AriesToday Horoscope for Aries:
Today emphasizes both work and deep feeling for many. You might have to make a difficult decision today or feel a bit shaken in the late evening. It might not be something you can quite place or put your finger on. Try and surrender to the feelings, and try not to obsess. Take good care of your knees and joints today. Your power colors are Green and shades of Pink.
Today Horoscope for TaurusToday Horoscope for Taurus:
This is an excellent day to embrace the beauty of the world. If you need to make a bit of extra money, this is the perfect time to take overtime hours and get to work. Finances are strongly encouraged at this time, and making money is something many of you are truly good at. Get into the groove and keep it moving throughout the day. This is a great time to apply to new jobs and set the correct provisions to being new business ventures. Investments will be fruitful at this time. Growth is your word of the day.
Today Horoscope for GeminiToday Horoscope for Gemini:
There is a specific transformation regarding personal relationships which might possibly be tied to your daily work at this time. Hidden things might come to the surface. Your phone might be ringing off the hook at this time. You might feel more tied down than normal to a specific family member or secrets regarding those you are close to might be in question. Hold onto your thinking caps!
Today Horoscope for CancerToday Horoscope for Cancer:
Have no fear you are probably serving as the voice of reason as usual today. This might be a day where emotional events might take place in the evening hours. Your career takes hold of you deeply today or deep emotional work. Psychology is emphasized today. It might not be a day to solve a problem, just to experience it for what it is. News may be bit disturbing at this time. Be kind to yourself! Extra rest later on in the day.
Today Horoscope for LeoToday Horoscope for Leo:
Today might be a trigger day for your emotions. Someone or something might be getting on your last nerve. Try not to hold onto any grudges towards anyone. If someone is clueless about their own behavior, give them a chance to let them fall on their own face. You must have the conversation at some point, but try to not to let your temper flare. Let your sense of style be your savior for today!
Today Horoscope for VirgoToday Horoscope for Virgo:
You might move nicely throughout the day. You might actually benefit from anyone upset around you. Finances are key for you especially tied to estates and long-term investments. Money that you did not know existed might be a topic over the next few days. The recommendation is to take things by the book today. Move at your own pace. Green is again, your power color for today.
Today Horoscope for LibraToday Horoscope for Libra:
The universe is asking you to open your mind, to learn, and to teach what you've learned to others. This is often on the realm of spiritual affairs and artistic endeavors. You are possibly the main focus or key player in an upcoming cultural event with a great deal of attention at this time. Appreciate your expertise at this time. You are currently associated with powerful people. Orange and Black are your power colors for today. Family events are possible.
Today Horoscope for ScorpioToday Horoscope for Scorpio:
This is a great day for social events and activities surrounding furthering your social clout and career prospects. Watch people carefully, find out specific patterns of success, and use this to your own benefit. You will be in great flow towards success. Finances are linked to taxes and death at this time. Rare artifacts might prove to have historic ties. Black is your power color for today, it's simple and sleek - you can never go wrong! Accessorize to your liking! Wear something that makes you feel confident.
Today Horoscope for SagittariusToday Horoscope for Sagittarius:
If you are involved in historic research this would be a great time for you. If you are experiencing power struggles with bosses and authorities who do not understand your overall ideals and visions of humanity, this is probably not the best time! Others might not see your perspective. Small-mindedness is the energy of the day for some, and you are anything but. Have a bit of patience and own your happy time alone. Get out in the world or take a long lunch break if possible, anything to get you out and about. You might have a fascinating conversation! Foreign travel is a perfect option! Pink and floral would be wonderful for today!
Today Horoscope for CapricornToday Horoscope for Capricorn:
You might truly be in your prime of the month today. You work incredibly hard, and this is an excellent time for you to put everything into practice. Traveling might occur earlier in the day. You might meet characters from your past and catch up with old friends. You might have a "Haven't I done this already" type of moment sometime later on in the evening. Finances and estates are emphasized today. Wills and morbid conversations are also a possibility. Get a big cup of coffee or tea, possibly several throughout the day. Bad habits will not be helpful for the long-term. Orange is your power color for today!
Today Horoscope for AquariusToday Horoscope for Aquarius:
Your memory might feel a bit blocked or on overdrive today. Focus on your unique and eccentric approach towards life to solve any problems that may arise. This serves as a great time of change for you, especially those born in the February months. Weird coincidences might be happening at this time, Be careful about who you speak to, try to keep secrets close to you especially regarding finances. Do not take the first offer, shop around for the best solutions and associations. Orange is your power color as well! Silver is your power metal!
Today Horoscope for PiscesToday Horoscope for Pisces:
This is a great time for travel especially travel over or by water. This is a suggested time to settle or regroup. Athletes may experience a set-back or change at this time. Your energy might be in need of a long vacation or rest period. Communications might serve serve highly important for a future activity that provides a long-term move or a new field of study. Blue is your power color for today.

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