Saturday, May 27, 2017

Horoscope for Sunday 28th May 2017 
The astrological transits of today asks the world to slow down and emotionally process our inner-selves. There is a great deal of reflection and introspection at this time. People might be a bit more emotional and crabby at this time as the moon moves through Cancer. You might be prone to tears or feeling a tad aggravated at this time if you are not familiar with this energy in your daily life. There is a great deal of transformation for many at this time.
Today Horoscope for AriesToday Horoscope for Aries:
You might travel today or have an unexpected love story. Just remember how important you are to those you love. Do not let anyone bring you down. Your goals are high and you've always met them in your own unique way! Keep your head-up and know this energy will pass tomorrow! Exercise will help you with any pent-up energy. Black is your power color of the day!
Today Horoscope for TaurusToday Horoscope for Taurus:
A great day to start out with a latte and keep it moving! You might be pushing through something at this time, especially if it's emotionally related. Remember, there is always someone to ask for help! There are so many people who absolutely adore you! Cute animals are always an option if you need a bit of inspiration!
Today Horoscope for GeminiToday Horoscope for Gemini:
You are pumping it right now. You might be lost in your work and career today. Romance might be on your mind, but things might be getting away at this time. This is a great time to assess all of your true commitments and journeys. Travel is a possibility and moving to a new location as Saturn in Sagittarius continues it's opposition to Mars in your sign!
Today Horoscope for CancerToday Horoscope for Cancer:
This is an excellent day to embrace your sensitive side and spend the day at home reading a book or working on a personal project. Moving slowly and carefully is the best way to approach anything today. Planning a family event is a possibility for today or spending it with a very close-knit group! It's all about romance, love, and respect! Children are favored for today! Long-term growth is on your mind. Red and Orange are your power colors for today!
Today Horoscope for LeoToday Horoscope for Leo:
This is a great day to meditate and spend the day embracing the quieter aspects of life. Spending time in nature, hiking, going to the beach, or just running alone are possibilities at this time. Artistic endeavors are promoted and spending time behind the scenes. Others might reach out to you for emotional support or it might be the other way around! The Eagle is your power animal today!
Today Horoscope for VirgoToday Horoscope for Virgo:
This is a great day for you to work on any projects and designs that will propel you forward in your own future vision. Spirituality and education are important at this time. Grow and learn, learn and grow. Spending time in nature and gardening are promoted at this time. This is an excellent day for aromatherapy and essential oil work. Lilacs and Purple Flowers are of great influence at this time.
Today Horoscope for LibraToday Horoscope for Libra:
You might be forced to slow down at this time. This is a day where you might hit and obstacle simply because the moon's position is asking you to rest. If you have a difference of opinion with someone else this is a great time to listen to what they have to say and sort it out slowly. Get rest, and move forward tomorrow!
Today Horoscope for ScorpioToday Horoscope for Scorpio:
You have a great deal of ability to see something and someone for what they are! This is a time to appreciate your observations and move forward in life. A great day to make decisions, grow and move forward. You thrive in this energy when others flail! Take this time to truly strike and be the Scorpion that you are! Red would be a great accent color at this time! For men make sure your aftershave is on point! Scents of pine and cedar! For women, earthier scents are welcome at this time! You will be remembered!
Today Horoscope for SagittariusToday Horoscope for Sagittarius:
This might be a slow day for you or at least a day where you are moving mechanically! Just remember your social obligations do not have to weight you down. If something is no longer fitting into your life, ask yourself if this is what you truly need anymore? You might be stuck attending family affairs or requirements. There is fun to be found! Keep that smile on! Someone is there who feels the exact same way!
Today Horoscope for CapricornToday Horoscope for Capricorn:
You are on point today! This is your energy to work with. You've prepared for this for so long. There is an intensity to the day that you truly appreciate. A heavy workout or project will feed your soul at this time. Get those overtime hours booked or those extra reps at the gym. If you are in ill-health at this time, this is a great day to have your spirits lifted! Spend time with loved ones if possible, or schedule some play time at any point today!
Today Horoscope for AquariusToday Horoscope for Aquarius:
You might be asked to pick up the pieces for others today! Your work life is moving quickly. You might be making extra cash at this time. Your emotional life and career life are quite opposite from each other at this time. Remember to keep a balance of both! Your power color is Light Blue!
Today Horoscope for PiscesToday Horoscope for Pisces:
This is an excellent time to pay attention to who you meet and where you meet them. Although things might be moving at a fast pace at this time, be not afraid! You are on your way to success! You have so much going for you, and you must focus on the little things in life that build you. This is a great day for a vision board! Talk to a Sagittarius about it! Mentors are welcome at this time or therapy! Anything that gets you talking about what inspires you on this brand new path!

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