Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Horoscope for Thursday 18th May 2017 
Today's astrological transits consists of a lovely Grand Trine in Air with the Moon in Aquarius / Mars in Gemini / Jupiter in Libra. This creates a multitude of options for many! Your attitudes towards work and spiritual life are in sync. You are en route to success! Embrace the afternoon, as communication might be moving freely, take advantage of this time in your life. Get out there in the world, and embrace the day ahead! Today's power number is 9 and the numerology of the day is 6! Endings associated with letting go of fear and focusing on love!
Today Horoscope for AriesToday Horoscope for Aries:
This is an excellent day to let your hopes and dreams soar! This is an excellent day to work in social groups and settings. People's ideas and creative inspirations are running high, and so are you! Your dreams are validated by others, and you provide great skill and leadership in every capacity. Events this season are moving at quite a fast pace, take advantage of this time to guide you to a new portion of your life. Something ends today to allow new energies to come in! Soar like an Eagle!
Today Horoscope for TaurusToday Horoscope for Taurus:
Your hopes, dreams, and wishes take on a more practical element. You are able to grasp ideas quickly and have help readily at your disposal. Guide yourself gently down this path, and see where you end up. Connection to spirituality and ancient symbols at this time. You are continually being asked to become an authority on your own. There will be mentors along the way. Focus on love today! Try something out of the ordinary! Sparkles will brighten anyone's day! Birds of prey are your spirit guide.
Today Horoscope for GeminiToday Horoscope for Gemini:
Today is a lovely day for your sign! Especially if you were born in mid-May! You are rocking and rolling with these energies. New inspirational "AHA!" moments come out of the sky. You are sought out or seen as the hero today. This is a great day to begin a new project or set a new goal. You are available in all capacities today, let your heart and mind connect as one! All animals of flight are your power critters for today. Butterflies, birds, and whatever else makes your heart sing with joy!
Today Horoscope for CancerToday Horoscope for Cancer:
"Moment for Life" by Nicki Minaj is the jam of the day. Let the movement of the energy focus you on self-love and care. People truly love you, and might be worried about you. Perfectionists out there, give yourself a break! Manicures and pedicures are totally welcome for today, networking events, and just having fun! Take this moment, seize it, embrace it, and learn how much people adore you! Something subtle yet striking is your power suggestion of the day!
Today Horoscope for LeoToday Horoscope for Leo:
Today's energy is like a vitamin booster shot with a double espresso! You have so much to accomplish today! Are you lovesick at this time, or madly in love? Emotions run extremely high today, so get your dance and groove on throughout the day. A spontaneous dance party can erupt anywhere, be the one to start it! Schmoozing is highly encouraged! You'll benefit from a moment of courage and trusting your intuition. The Lion is of course your animal on the zodiac, and totally your power totem for the day! Be bold!
Today Horoscope for VirgoToday Horoscope for Virgo:
This is a great day to accomplish every task. Enjoy an outing, and open up to someone about your life. Just be careful, air signs might be forgetful today, so no taking offense to that! You are in a good position to increase your earning potential, and ask for a raise. Mercury is on your side throughout the next few weeks, and finances might be the key factor right now. Trust yourself and your inner-guidance. A long journey or spiritual event might be in the works. If you are an athlete, this is an important time for you to build and change your program. Change in all realms is totally the way to go at this time! The Falcon and the Phoenix are your symbols of the day!
Today Horoscope for LibraToday Horoscope for Libra:
An excellent day to move, get out and about, socialize, get the latest scoop, and get yourself something amazing. Yes, get yourself a gift, or two today! It doesn't have to be extravagant! Fun is the topic of the day. Let go of the old and sparkle in with the new! You are unbreakable and unstoppable, so delight in the time you have with those you care for. A great day to embrace your friends! Traveling and long journeys might be excellent for those born the middle of your sign. Traveling for LOVE is a YES!
Today Horoscope for ScorpioToday Horoscope for Scorpio:
Open heart, open mind! Your soul runs deeper than most of the zodiac. You might be thinking of a past love at this time, or have a great deal of heart wounds to sort out. The key is to allow this day to heal you. Appreciate a harmonious moment, even if you are alone or in a small group. Let go of something as best as you can. It does't mean you'll ever forget, it just means that you are ready to step forward into the next chapter. Write it out if you need to! Your words are highly respected at this time. Pastors and other religious authorities might be of great influence to you at this time. Remember the words of someone you respect, they had your back then, they have still have it now! Use the Scorpion only when necessary! Sibling rivalry might be the case here.
Today Horoscope for SagittariusToday Horoscope for Sagittarius:
Breath in deeply. Your lung health or allergies might have kicked up for some. Get that tea or whatever you need to keep yourself feeling good! Vitamins are appreciated at this time. Eat right so you can play more! A great day to crack a joke, and spend time out in the world. You might have many options in your romantic life at this time. Inspirational events of the day or strengthening your connection to the world. Society is your word of the day! Observation is your suggested action!
Today Horoscope for CapricornToday Horoscope for Capricorn:
Do you feel a little stronger in some element in your daily activities? Is someone or some new thing validating your existence? Do you feel energized and invigorated? This is a great time to embrace differences between yourself and others. There is a lot to be heard from others right now. So much to learn and do. Seeking knowledge on any subject is a great way to spend the day. Romance can be hit or miss. Finances are still the main focal point. Your career is setting up for a great shift in the coming months. This is a great day to sit with your thoughts and meditate. Cardio routines are welcome. Red is your power color today.
Today Horoscope for AquariusToday Horoscope for Aquarius:
Today is your day to shine and sparkle! What a day to have fun and enjoy the journey. Work, play, romance, etc are all moving at a rapid pace. Get up early and embrace it! Play with your partner, call up a friend, get out and about as much as possible. There's so much to plan and do. An excellent day for throwing a celebration! Enjoy some kind of healing festivity! Good work Aquarius! Laugh it up! You are your own power flower today! Plan your outfit around your shoes!
Today Horoscope for PiscesToday Horoscope for Pisces:
The day starts out moving, lots of things to say and do. You might feel a bit out of place if you have a chart with very little influence of Air. If you are full out Water, this is a day to work with this energy constructively. Paperwork is encouraged at this time, and communication. Get those tasks that require detail and tedious work done today so you can embrace the day tomorrow! Wear something shiny when you do it! If you work in a field with lots of tedious labor, this might be one of them days! Smile and know that you are totally loved! Your power animals for today are the Deer and the Swan.

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