Monday, May 22, 2017

Horoscope for Tuesday 23rd May 2017 
Today's astrological journey begins with a bang! The planet Uranus is conjunct the Moon in Aries creating an electricity in the air! This will settle down mid-day as the Moon enters the sign of Taurus. This is a great day to get yourself started early and allow for plenty of rest in the late evening. Get as much work done, although some unexpected events and situations may arise at this time. Embrace and appreciate the new things you would like for yourself. Set goals now, and prepare yourself for the New Moon which will be in the next 48 hours.
Today Horoscope for AriesToday Horoscope for Aries:
This is a day to get out in the world! You are energetic and strong today. You have a lot of emotional freedom and get along well with others. You are spicier than normal! Romance and passion is encourage at this time. If you are thinking of having children, this is the perfect time to start a family. You are at your peak at this time! Career might bring on unexpected news, and help you gain a leadership role. Focus on your assets today and promote yourself! Financial aspects take on a bit of their own life. Be careful not to overspend! It's easy at this time! Yellow and Gold are your power colors a this time.
Today Horoscope for TaurusToday Horoscope for Taurus:
This is an excellent time to prepare and grow your garden. Whether this is your physical garden or that creative cycle that taps you into your own long-term goals. Reap what you sow is the phrase of the day. The morning hours are a bit of a flash for you, but things will calm in the afternoon. If you prepare now, you are set for the next few months and even over the next few years. Romance is favored for today. Red is your power color today.
Today Horoscope for GeminiToday Horoscope for Gemini:
You wake up inspired. You feel the movement and all of the energy buzzing around you. There is a lot of electricity in the air. Take this time to accomplish your goals and tasks and plan for a new cycle. There is a great energy coming in over the next few days. Your physicality is in great form at this time. An excellent time for travel, education, romance, and all activities involving your heart! Yellow is your power color for today.
Today Horoscope for CancerToday Horoscope for Cancer:
You might feel a bit of confusion throughout the day. The later afternoon serves as a great point to work on projects. You are loved and appreciated today. Spend time nurturing yourself. Beaty and health appointments are encouraged for the later part of the day. Focus on a strict physical routine! Green is your power color today!
Today Horoscope for LeoToday Horoscope for Leo:
The beginning of the day is the time for you to really filter all of your creative energy. Get as many projects started now. You are going to be asked very soon what new things you truly want to bring in for yourself and your family. The later part of the day might bring a blockage in your own emotions. Let that give you a bit of time to rest and spend alone. It is a great time for psychological work and contemplation!
Today Horoscope for VirgoToday Horoscope for Virgo:
This is an excellent moment for you to take care of things throughout the day. You might feel a bit of the collective confusion, but this energy will bring you to a greater understanding of your own personal reality. This is an excellent day to focus on finances and the women in your life. Motherhood and children might be on your mind at this time. Family care is important for the later part of the day. Spend time at home relaxing if possible! Get yourself a little something special! Dog is your power animal for today!
Today Horoscope for LibraToday Horoscope for Libra:
There is a lot going on at this time. Join a party or a team. Join something! Have fun and enjoy your popularity. You are in a true moment at this time. You are on a special journey and your career might be your main forces for today. Love is still a priority as well. You are the best at balancing both out! Social events are promoted at this time, even if you go solo! You will meet someone who makes you smile. Shades of pink are your power colors at this time.
Today Horoscope for ScorpioToday Horoscope for Scorpio:
This is an excellent time to focus on what you've learned regarding a romantic activity or endeavor. Does someone play with your heart? Or are you playing with someone else's? Be careful, they may be a bit more sensitive than they let on. You may have a meaningful conversation a bit later on in the evening. It is an incredible day for partnerships. Take advantage of this time with those you truly love. Green is your power color for today.
Today Horoscope for SagittariusToday Horoscope for Sagittarius:
You are creatively inspired. Give yourself this time to grow. You might need to be alone today, but that is alright! You can catch up with others tomorrow. This is an excellent time for meditation and using the events of the last few days to set you up for the future. The evening hours will serve as a time to catch up with rest and sleep. You hold the power card tomorrow! Green is also your power color for today.
Today Horoscope for CapricornToday Horoscope for Capricorn:
You have a lot of emotions in the later part of the evening. If your journey ahead includes romantic prospect, take this time to let yourself truly get in touch with yourself. Grounding is a great possibility for you at this time. A special person might enter your life at this moment. You are in good spirits, let your heart be your guide at this time!
Today Horoscope for AquariusToday Horoscope for Aquarius:
Your leadership skills are tested. You may have been recently promoted. You are being asked to continue on with a career or business proposition. This is a great time for your financial status in the world. Love and romance might take a backseat at this time. You might feel a bit detached from others. Your focus is on your achievements at this time. Go for your goals, but try not to exclude someone close to your heart!
Today Horoscope for PiscesToday Horoscope for Pisces:
This is an excellent time to focus on cultural events, activities, and foreign languages. Learn and grow from others and let yourself shift into a new view on life. Love is important as it always is. You might have an obsession growing at this time with someone or something. Communication is a key factor at this time, writing and receiving mail. Yellow is your power color at this time.

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